The return of the "How are you today?" thread

I did bench, 25lbs than what I was doing 3 months ago, and it felt rough, but I'll still go up 5lbs next day.
Shoulders I was doing 5lbs less than normal, lost my form on the last set.
and I did leg-press instead of squats and deadz, ankle still in pain from a work accident (fucking noob ran a cart into my leg).

Squats and deadz put to much pressure on it, where as LP doesn't. I do pull lifts tomorrow.
While that's a certainly interesting observation and thought,

That's pretty much all I said it was.

Cancer can be caused by many things, genetics being a major decider on who will/will not be pre-disposed to having their cells mutate into something that will start eating away at them.

Some cancers seem to start out of nothing and there's also cases where the cancers will disappear as if on their own accord and faith healers, snake poison salesmen will claim they cured those people if by chance they were their clients.

correlation != causation.
Agreed - pirate theory.

When women are pregnant they intuitively crave the food they require for survival.

There was also an experiment where they had a table full of natural & healthy food. They put a group of 10 year olds in front of it and asked them to choose whatever they wanted to eat.

They didn't all choose the same food but after analysis they discovered they had all chosen meals with their daily requirements for proper nutrition. Even at 10 years of age humans have an innate sense of what their system requires even though they don't realise what's in the food they're eating.

Capsaicin in chili is known to kill cancer cells so who's to say he didn't feel slightly better after eating chili so ate more of it?

With the second part of the above experiment, they then added sweet and salty snacks to the table and the kids went for the snacks instead, throwing their diets right out of whack.


The thing that makes cancer such a fun disease is that your body DOES NOT KNOW it's supposed to fight it. And that it only gives symptoms when it's already fairly advanced.

So, the ONLY reason why his body would be "subconsciously fighting a disease" would be if his body had access to an oracle or some kind of seer, or some other undiscovered process, TOTALLY unrelated to nutrition, of which you have NO information WHATSOEVER.

tl;dr: Shut the fuck up.
The thing that makes cancer such a fun disease is that your body DOES NOT KNOW it's supposed to fight it. And that it only gives symptoms when it's already fairly advanced.

He was in stage II so it was advanced, we'll have to see when he started developing the hot sauce cravings to give a more accurate assessment and even then it can still be by chance.

He was in stage II so it was advanced, we'll have to see when he started developing the hot sauce cravings to give a more accurate assessment and even then it can still be by chance.


For fuck's sake profanity, you're wrong, learn to deal with it.