The return of the "How are you today?" thread

c'mon ppl,. drink with me!!! best of beer!!! :) todays day was so horrible I had to take some booze in me, after I tried several times and ways to do one thing and shit heppened I must have your support :kickass:
BodomiC said:
c'mon ppl,. drink with me!!! best of beer!!! :) todays day was so horrible I had to take some booze in me, after I tried several times and ways to do one thing and shit heppened I must have your support :kickass:
i don't drink, but i'd do it for you man!
here's a free cyber-beer. Cyber-drink it, cyber-pretend to be cyber-drunk, and lets cyber-sex :p

hope things get fixed soon, don't get too shitfaced

same to pimey ;)
I slept all 2 classes at school so I just got up and left, and smoked quarter ounce which im still smoking lol.
Voted against Arnold Swartsa whatevers special election.....then went to school and found out I got a bad grade on my math test and had to pretty much get an A on the final to I wasted all this money/time taking this class and I have to take the class all over again...NOOOOO! :yell: *sighs in disappointment* ..... It's all my fault though....I fucking party too much and I'm thinking about quiting drinking in general...
@ Tut: yeah, thanks for cyber sex, tha was nice :p

next day, so much classes goddamn Im to fucking lazy to do it although Ive to cuz I wont get promotion fot the next year if Ill be such a ass still :)
Oh man i have a problem...Should i get myself a sixpack beer or not....
Well today was hmm ..... quite ok i think a normal crazy day when friend came along :D And oh i get a ticket for myself at the COB Februarys show ;)
But this moment i'm tired.....
And by the way thanks Tut Ankh Amon you know what kind of things i thank you :p
I'm quite tired. I didn't get to bed until 12:30 last night, and on top of that, becuase I'm scared shitless of thunderstorms, yes, I'm a wuss, I was up for the 3 hours during the one last night. My Mom and our 2 dogs and slept with me in my bed though, lol. That made me feel a little better. Sounds like I'm 5. But, yeah. I talked to Ansku today, as well. She's wonderful to talk to.
Nakedness is goodness. I used to sleep naked. I don't particularly care for it anymore, probably because I don't have a door on my room, just a stupid shower curtain and colourful beaded curtain.
It's not so bad :D I wear socks in bed cause i get some cold feet! My circulation is ok, so i dont know why...

On a side note...i now feel comfortable enough here to post my actual picture in my avatar...dunno whether that is a good or a bad thing tho :-0