The return of the "How are you today?" thread

Fatalized said:
I'm having a test in physics today.
"If you drop a stone from 1,2 m, when will it hit the ground?"
Yay! I wish myself luck...
god i so miss the time when i thought that was hard :lol:

today i actually had a nice calculus lesson (the first one in the semester)
i'm lazy as fuck, my wrist hurts for some unknown reason, and there's a symbiote (aka: giant pimple) growing on my cheek that will make me leave this nasty pre-beard i have there for a couple of days :lol:

but yeah, what the fuck, i'm good :D
That one isn't hard, not when you know how to do it. The problem with this test was that they didn't give us enough time when writing it on purpose so that you wont be able to answer all the questions unless you're 100 % sure on exactly everything. So if you fuck something up and loose time you're screwed. Our teacher said that he wanted to prepare us for university, but it still sucks when you know you could have solved all the problems if you just got more time. Anyway, I think the test went okey so lets not rant more about that.
Fatalized said:
That one isn't hard, not when you know how to do it. The problem with this test was that they didn't give us enough time when writing it on purpose so that you wont be able to answer all the questions unless you're 100 % sure on exactly everything. So if you fuck something up and loose time you're screwed. Our teacher said that he wanted to prepare us for university, but it still sucks when you know you could have solved all the problems if you just got more time. Anyway, I think the test went okey so lets not rant more about that.
well, that IS a fact
teachers in the university don't give a damn if you can solve it in time or not :lol:
Actually usually i get 2 hours to solve tests, and the one that would take the most time i've had so far the teacher said "okay, this is pretty easy, so i'm getting the tests in an hour and a half"

damn bastard :lol: :p

but hey, actually some people solved the test problem in like 20 minutes. They stared at it for some time, left it blank, and then returned it :lol: :p
Just got back from Swallow the Sun-gig... Awesome as usual! What I don't get , is that even though they have released two world-class (serously) albums, they still play in shitty places, where audience is like 30-40 people... If anyone likes doom, they're your new favourite.

Rant: because of my friends, one awfully cute guy (who I would have convinced to spend the night with me) got lost... and all the cute girls were taken, the world is against me...=(
Chaosia said:
Rant: because of my friends, one awfully cute guy (who I would have convinced to spend the night with me) got lost... and all the cute girls were taken, the world is against me...=(

That is the problem of being a bartender, once you get into the other side of bar, you start remembering all the cool drinks you've made to various people... and you want to taste them, result being usually a horrible hangover the next day=). (south african red wine, several kelkkas, breezers, ciders, various shots...)
I fell asleep on the sofa for hours, and I dreamed about hanging out with a bunch of english schoolboys (not THAT underaged!) in some mansion and a film crew following us around and explaining weird things to camera... It ended as I was washing the boys' hair in the swimming pool.

I've had way weirder dreams than this, Freud would have a field day with me.