The return of the "How are you today?" thread

I'm sick. It's raining outside and I need to go to the ********. Forcing food down my throat ain't fun either. Why did I have to get sick.

edit. p h a r m a c y is a word that is not allowed here? what the heck? It's drugstore then.

I think deron got mixed up in his war on drugs and banned the wrong word :lol:
Played my first show at the Troc with my band from the place I take guitar lessons at.... it went really good. It was my first time playing on stage so I was really nervous but after the second song I felt comfortable so it was easy.
Played my first show at the Troc with my band from the place I take guitar lessons at.... it went really good. It was my first time playing on stage so I was really nervous but after the second song I felt comfortable so it was easy.

I could have gone to the show, why didn't you tell me? :p