Would've made me more nervousand we weren't playing metal so I dunno if you'd like the music.
But I guess I'll meet you again at Sonata Arctica or something.
Don't think so... I would, but I don't have money to spend and the money I'm saving is for a new guitar.
Söy;6102899 said:i just woke up from an awesome dream.
like something out of 'adventures of zelda'-awesome.
dressed in my normal street attire and i have to go to this huge dungeon which was based off the mansion from resident evil 1 and there's a huggggeee man-giant cyclops with a bulging eye and i have to kill it by smashing a bottle of hydrochloric acid in it's eye weee.
Nice. Ok,cool, see you at Symphony X at the Troc?
a little less gaming next time?
My day was pretty okay, I didn't get my expected 6 in maths and my dad brought me the new finntroll album so I'm good except for a little nervousness.