The return of the "How are you today?" thread

I'm very bored. At school right now and tired...I just want to get some sleep but I dont get home until 8.30 I'm really pissed off... the only good thing is that holiday starts soon!
I finished that psychology exam in 50min, that's either very good or very bad...I dunno. So tomorrow is "yay" French. I am glad high school is almost over for me
I am fine :D Finished school tuesday.. :p
I saw 5 friends yesterday, we walked a lot, smoked and drank. it was nice
but.. I was supposed to go at a bar with a friend and my cousin.. but it's the break work of the metro so I couldn't go ARGHHH
Let's see . . . In the morning I had sore throat (something like that). After school almost missed my bus cause I was at bar with some friends. An hour ago I had headache and my temperature was a bit higher.

Now I'm feeling better
When i woke up today, i read a book which i havne't done in fucking ages. I'm fucking bored but happy that school is out which was on Wednesday. There's nothing to do at home so i cruise around almost all day long but now the car broke. And i'm trying to get a job but no one's calling me. Ahhh, i need a fucking job.
it's hot, i am pissed off and yeh, it's fucking hot which is makign everything worse.

I am in an irritable mood, and by irritiable i mean fuck with me and i'll tear your godamn head off.