The return of the "How are you today?" thread

damn! i thought that only happened if you put ones with the rubber bottoms in the dryer....that sucks give us pictures :p

you're so fuckin' metal, even your washing machine shreds....haha, yeh lame

It was one with rubber bottom :(
I leant my camera to my brother while hes away for the month, no pics.
I'm tired, slightly tipsy, and my feet hurt....

But hey I havn't got any exams for a week and a half ^_^

The red necks bought us long islands. I was the homely girl they got drinks out of pitty and politeness, obviously.

I am now eating toast with cheddar cheese. THE WONDERS OF YELLOW CHEESE!

I don't like men. YOU ALL SUCK!
i got busted on I95 for 94mph *it was actually faster but the cop was being generous*

i was facing a wreckless driving charge and possible jailtime but i copped to the offense so they dropped the wreckless and my liscense was suspended there.

the end.
I am actually ok now that I am home from my work (see my post on the FUCK YOU thread everyone to see what mood I was in) and I can't believe it is only Wednesday. I am in the mood to see Children of Bodom again, but cannot wait long enough. Grrrr!
I'm none too thrilled. It seems that yet another tour seems to be skipping Philadelphia. This time it's Swallow the Sun/Scar Symmetry/Katatonia/Insomnium.

First Slayer/Unearth cancels Philly date
then Necrophagist switches from Philly to Rochester,NY
then Edguy/Into Eternity skips
then Finntroll skips
as does Daath/Dark Funeral

and uh..yeah.

Fucking promoters!

done rant:oops:

i just learned im having a surprise party thats for me

my mom was like, "i need to check my emails" im like ok, so i log onto her account, and shes like i havenothing to hide, and then i see 2 emails about a surprise party for me, im like LOLing my ass off