The return of the "How are you today?" thread

Yesterday I got really fucking stoned and had to visit my grandmother. I was consciously trying to fight against my inebriated state, and I think I succeded, but at some points I'd think "shit, I'm stroking my hair way too much, I bet this looks kinda compulsive".

And I know how much of a loser this makes me sound like... but... really... yeah, that sucks.
i haven't seen my 2 best friends since Monday :erk:
and i'm getting kinda sad, 'cause we'll never ever be in the same class again.

but we're gonna party tonight :) so, i guess that's okay :)

and there's a pic of Alexi in the paper :):):):D
last exam pwnt. Went to bed around 2.30 am and got up at 7.15 am yesterday. Didn't study for my last exam: history. went in around 8.30 and got out at 8.40. It was just a too easy oral exam. then we went drinking with my class mates. Drinking nothing but heavy belgian beers: Tongerloo, La Chouffe, Chimay, Brugse trippel, and I can't remember the rest :p so I thought I'd go drinking on in turnhout with the rest of my friends but I fell asleep on the bus. One solid advice: don't close your eyes when you drank alot and don't feel a thing yet cuz you will feel too much then :p So I got in Turnhout and my friends said I looked like shit and sent me home to my bed. Slept instantly from 2.30 pm till 5 pm, ate and slept another hour and a half and now I was still quite drunk ;D