The return of the "How are you today?" thread

i love the fact that your word is worth gold, and your speech becomes the gospel, and you behold all the thuth :p i now shall live by what you say

dude, i just spoke my mind... i never said i was the lord of all truth, so stfu.

hdud aldkkdasd çdça yeayuat akndsj dpdkod frfrcaxxp ajidjaoid cbebea!

I speak gibberish :p

i thought that was turkish! :lol:
this is your last warning. if you don't admit to my superior "mad" math skills, i shall be forced to send you hate waves directed at your reproductive organs...

and as we all know. like microwaves, hate waves cause cancer :p

I'll dress in tin foil so it won't affect me. Hah :cool:

dude, i just spoke my mind... i never said i was the lord of all truth, so stfu.

i thought that was turkish! :lol:

There isn't much difference between turkish and gibberish really :p
stfu bitch! go back to the kitchen and make me some pie!
