The return of the "How are you today?" thread

MExican torture is the best

I just saw a disturbing movie where a guy lost his hamster. He then finds his neighbour smashing the hamster dead onto the front door and gets so furious that he kills his neighbour with his bare hands. Now I can't sleep.
you think that's disturbing? you obviously haven't seen japanese terror/gore movies or even surfed the net at the wrong places.
well I grabbed a chair so hard my knockels turned white to try not to hit him and I threatened him really hard and he promised not to go near her again but if I see him in her neighbourhood again or know he's been in her neigbourhood I will show him new dimentions of pain he'd never think that existed


*small voice* is it wrong that i'm a little turned on right now? :oops:

Originally Posted by MegustaMucho
you should download the american one

priceless!! :lol:

You're a fucking freak. But I love you. Though I do often wonder... Gingervitus must effect the brain somehow.

I know I'm a freak, been one my whole life and I freak out even more when someone hurts are even tries to hurt my friends and exspecially someone I love and btw:
All Gingers hail to the same god. His name is Gingeus Christ. This religion, also known as Gingerism, started at the dawn of time, when Gingeus created the first ginger man and woman to corrupt the human race. To the right is an image of the Ginger God himself.
obviously I'm not a ginger


*small voice* is it wrong that i'm a little turned on right now? :oops:

you like ppl being threatened? :err:

what i wanted to say is: fucking upload it to rapishare and link me!

oh, I thought you meant something like that, well I can't get you the link no more cuz I've been banned from that forum. I still have the printed version and I might still have the digital version too somewhere if I have backed it up when I formatted my pc. I'll check my data cds and dvds (that'll take some time though)
awesome. im in l.a. for a month. got here on wed. stayed at the hilton until friday. went out everyday, shopping, eating at really good (but expensive) resteraunts. my dad and 2 other people are staying at hugh grant and elizabeth hurley's old house for a movie, hes gonna be here until october. the house is amazing, but im glad he aint payin for it because its 4500 a month :lol: but right now the other 2 guys are gone so i get the whole basement, with a mac g5, 50 in plasma with 800 channels, huge bed, and a closet the size of my room at home, plus it has a bathroom.

today we went to this country star's house, his name is like eddie something i forget. but he had a huge ass mansion, nice cars, a guest house bigger then my house. a pool, and a basketball and tenns court. not to mention 3 maids, 8 dogs, and a cat. there were 2 boys my age so that was cool, they were really awesome, we were gonna go to "starbucks" and get some cigs and be smokin some ganja but we couldn't. but next wed. im going there again for 4th of july, there mom works for QVC. and this wharehouse she has lets this guy sell fireworks there, so they get free fireworks, like the huge 200 dolla boxes of em. so it'll be TIGHT. but my god eddie cooked the most amazing food ever! there were ribs, 4 types of chicken, potato salad and everything you could possibly imagine. we ended up taked 7 plates home :lol:
