The return of the "How are you today?" thread

Most of those bands where faggotry unlimited. But hey a festival is a festival, so it was probably somewhat enjoyable....(still, praising Fall Out Boy is and offense punishable by raep)
*Lacuna Coil: Wonderfull, just wonderfull. Christina looked pretty old but yet she still was pretty sweet with a nice ass :p They should've played in the afternoon but their buss brokedown so they were rescheduled to 8 pm. Too bad they had to play on the Skate Stage instead of the Main Stage. They played their own classics and also a song from Depeche Mode which Christina and the audience sung better then Depeche mode themselves, simply amazing.
fuck, i was hoping to see a review of them on tv, but they'll be skipped now they didn't play on mainstage :(
i love their version of Enjoy The Silence :D i think it's one of the better songs on Karmacode,
them and WT were the only bands i actually wanted to see, hence i didn't go... damn pricy tickets :ill:

Did you see Xander Derijcke? i love that guy
I went to my knee specialist today :erk:
He's really scary. He asked me a few questions...well not really asked, more like DEMANDED, and then he's like
"Take your shoes off!"
"Lay down!"
"Lift your pants up!"
"Put your knees up"
"Stretch them out!"

I seriously thought I was going to get raped today hahaha.
I'm okay, got my exam results. Overall: Slightly dissapointed, but not unhappy or anything.

Maths: B (I was predicted a D so lol@school)

Biology: C

Chemistry: C (Don't know how I managed to pass that, I was always terrible at chemistry in the lessons.)

Physics: C

Art: B (I was hoping for an A...I got an A in the practice exams, so yeah, disappointed.)

IT: B (same as art :/)

English Lit: B

English Lang: C (fuck!)

History : B (predicted a C, so happy with that)

Geography: B

Religious Education: C (got a B in the practice exam, so dissapointed again :\)

But I shouldn't be complaining, I did better than a lot of people and those grades get me into the College courses I'm going to do, so I can forget about them now and just think about college.
It's a mandatory thing, basically you have to do an exam on "What would a christian do in this situation blah blah blah". Being an atheist actually really helps, because it gives you a lot to write about :rofl:

Most people in my school end up with E grades or sometimes even grade U in Religious Education. The fact that I got a C is surprising.
They force you to learn about it, the answers you write are completely up to you. One of the questions was "'Christianity is right, all other religions are wrong' What do you think about this statement?"

I wrote about 3 pages on why that statement is bullshit.
I'm feeling fucking fantastic! Today I went to Ozzfest. Yeah it's lame-o anymore but it was a decent time. For me, the highlight was Zakk Wylde's RIDICULOUS solo. It was probably 15 minutes long... dude is wicked. He ended with the National Anthem. It was so.... ugh just amazing. Mad respect for him.

I didn't get there til 5 so I missed Nile and Behemoth, however Nikki and her bro said Behemoth were "indescribable". I was a little annoyed that I couldn't get a Behemoth shirt as the second stage merch was packed up once I got there... but that's aight cause they're coming back to headline with Job For A Cowboy :)erk:) in November. I'm extremely excited for the Polak beast.

The night was completed by a few hours with my bo'. Lovely.
Oh also, I really shouldn't be complaining about anything, as my parents said that if I didn't get a grade D or below in anything, they would give me £400 ($802 USD). So yeah, thats useful :p

And btw, I'm not some spoiled rich kid, my parents don't give me shit, ever. This is just a special occasion.
Could my parents do the same? I wouldnt be against it if my parents would pay me a one month trip to N-Z.

Im tired, at school and trying to do something usefull...