The return of the "How are you today?" thread

fuck, i was hoping to see a review of them on tv, but they'll be skipped now they didn't play on mainstage :(
i love their version of Enjoy The Silence :D i think it's one of the better songs on Karmacode,
them and WT were the only bands i actually wanted to see, hence i didn't go... damn pricy tickets :ill:

Did you see Xander Derijcke? i love that guy
Currently happy, Some random guy was selling Sinergy - Beware The Heavens at the local market. It was hidden in the reggae section o_O

Got it for £3 ^____________^ *guitargasm*
Well my theory is paying for music if you don't have any/a lot of money is bullshit. If you're well off then you're a cunt if you download but, if you say everyone should pay for music then that's bullshit cuz you're saying only wealthy people can enjoy a certain band, how the fuck is that fair?
It was £3.....And of course I'm not against downloading music, if a band is particularly good then I will support them via buying merchandise/albums when I can though.
No idea why it was in the reggae section though. I was just looking through this guy's stall and I was like "lol reggae............wut!?"
most albums here cost 15-25 euros. Too much imo

@Evelyn: yeah, it was pretty expensive but when you are there, you discover that there's many artists that aren't really as bad as you thought they were. FOB for instance.
en nee, kben niet in de wablief geweest. Te veel buitendse goei groepen

he preformed in the wablief if I remember correctly ;)
Last night at work, there was a HUGE MASSIVE FUCKING thunderstorm. Like strong winds, POURING HARD RAIN, lightning and thunder every few seconds. It was epic. And what did I do during this? I stood outside, in the rain, hair blowing in the wind and watching the lightning flash in the darkness of the night was listening to Borgir. It was fucking amazing, truly beautiful.

Listening to Devil's Path while standing underneath the pitch black sky and looking up at the lightning = OMGEPICWIN

But I know you'd all rather hear about the fat ass girl who came into my store drunk as fuck looking for her cellphone in her bra while at the counter, and she couldn't find it so just as I looked up her giant tit was hanging out in my face and she yells "FUCKING SHIT GODAMNN FUCK" (cause she lost her cellphone)... then she just tucked it away and left! :lol:
going back to school today; first class is conversational german :erk:

wish me luck :lol:
I'm fine. Weekend started and I have to go tomorrow on my uncle's party. I don' t wanna go there, but I'm forced to go. I think, that it's coming a boring night. I maybe go tomorrow on a Art Night. There all get drunk and have fun :lol: Or at least here, where I live.