The return of the "How are you today?" thread

Im bored, tired and pissed off. Some of my old schoolmates are going to meet tonight but nobody asked me with them. One of them just asked couple of hours ago am I coming and I was like wtf, coming, where? She told that the girl who invited ppl was supposed to ask me too but I didnt get any message. Sucks.

Im going to Helsinki tomorrow and be back home at Sunday. And school on monday. Have 2 little tests from swedish. I just wanna sleep but Im worrying about so many stuff that I cant get any sleep. Somebody please kill me.

I'm aggravated right now. Damn DMV... Department of Motor Vehicles... I'm "allowed" to get my license now as I've been seizure-free for 6 months... but I gotta get written permission from my neurologist for legal purposes. Damn neuro's office, they're giving me a hard time and acting like they can take as long as they want, as in anywhere from days to weeks. I wanted the permit today, and license by friday, as I have a job waiting for me that pays $175 a day... and it's based around having a car and driving. Fuckin A.

Besides that, everything is well.

Nikki, could I possibly borrow your camera next Wednesday for the Danzig show? I'm sure the diva will bitch about the flash but that's too damn bad.
I had a bit of a shit day...

First of all, I had to wake up early to finish of my history homework... Not fun. This meant I was exhausted for the whole day. THEN I had my drumming lesson, got held up in traffic and missed half of it. On the bus on the way back, I then missed my stop and got off two miles down too late, as I was reading my Terrorizer magazine. It then started to absoulutely tip down and I had to walk 2 miles in the rain. By the time I got back, my food was cold...

Hopefully tommorow will be better.
I'm still pissed about some stuff but I had a good chat with a couple of friends and now I feel a bit better
Slightly annoyed, but overall relieved:

Tomorrow is the last day of the half-term (what we call "mid-term" I guess) So I get a week off tommorow ^_^. But I have a Psychology essay to finish tonight for tommorow. And I was not able to to an ungodly amount of Photography coursework because I was suffering stress-related illness for half of this week. (I'm not even kidding, migraines, headaches, blurred vision, spontaneous vomiting. All because I had too much work :ill:) So although I get a week off, I have to survive the horrors of tomorrow :erk: