The return of the "How are you today?" thread

┼Victim of the Night┼;6717250 said:
To a certain extent I think you're right... but something prompts me not wanting to believe that it can be like you said... I really wish not, 'cause otherwise it would be sad... to me, at least.

Are you talking about the monogamy thing ?
it still doesn't change the fact that the 3 last pics you posted, you were trying to show how much booze you can handle, a man is made of actions, not of words

I cant handle shit :lol: Honestly im a lightweight. The pic was just implying "party last night, not feeling that great today". if you had any common sense.
it still doesn't change the fact that the 3 last pics you posted, you were trying to show how much booze you can handle, a man is made of actions, not of words

point proven below:
Exactly :lol:

Well tbh I barely drank any of the stuff on that table :p I stuck to my Magners instead of that multicoloured chemical waste and pisswater :lol:
point proven below:

how so? Sorry but your agument is flawed.

Not to mention the fact that I'm practically agreeing with you with my sarcastic post about how us teenagers should really find a better pastime. You're just desperately trying to make yourself seem better, probably trying to draw attention away from the fact that your a pedophile.
I cant handle shit :lol: Honestly im a lightweight. The pic was just implying "party last night, not feeling that great today". if you had any common sense.

you wen you post a pic with many empty bottle i should assume that you don't drink much?
how so? Sorry but your agument is flawed.

Not to mention the fact that I'm practically agreeing with you with my sarcastic post about how us teenagers should really find a better pastime. You're just desperately trying to make yourself seem better, probably trying to draw attention away from the fact that your a pedophile.

i'm using a veridic argument against your need to sound cooler to this board, while you try to be like Joe and use fags arguments that you don't even know/care what is really about
i'm using a veridic argument against your need to sound cooler to this board, while you try to be like Joe and use fags arguments that you don't even know/care what is really about

And I'm saying that "cool" had nothing to do with it. You're just jumping on the typical bandwagon of "he mentioned alcohol he's trying to seem cool". Which I've seen god knows how many times on this forum.

I was simply explaining last night with a picture instead of words. Why don't you go on your little e-peen boosting anti-alcohol crusade against Knarfi while you're here aswell?
at least Knarf was direct to the point, and not been gay posting "guess what pics"
I'm great !!! Finally I got the ring which I was waiting for more than 3 months :D, I'm glad it came safe.

And I bought two games Top Gun and God of War, I'm gonna lay my hands on that game in some minutes :lol:
^ These two sentences in the same post make you look romantic but immature :lol:

Ohhh well yeah it's my fault, I'm not a double poster :lol:

But I admit you're right buddy, I'm still very inmature, but I think I've grown up too much in these years.

I'm afraid that I'm gonna play video games for the rest of my life, I used to spend a lot of hours playing videogames during my highschool, but when I got into the University it descended too much, now I'm playing again during my vacations.
And concercing about the ring man, is great, I really like it, now I'm waiting a special moment for giving to her, maybe in some romantic dinner with some wine :).
That's cool for the ring and your wedding, just try to get some maturity the day you'll become a dad, for your child won't be a son of a nerd. But you've got the time, until this.
That's cool for the ring and your wedding, just try to get some maturity the day you'll become a dad, for your child won't be a son of a nerd. But you've got the time, until this.

Thanks dude, yeah but I don't think I'm such a " son of a nerd ", I'm just normal, I don't talk about videogames with my friends, because most of them dislike videogames, it's like a private hobbie.