The return of the "How are you today?" thread

I know a lot of guys from my (our) generation who already have children and often stay home playing video games, watching TV, drinking beer, and a lot of activities like that, which make you look irresponsible; and that's a royal mess. Even if I'm personnaly convinced that the past generation (born after the Second W.W.) fathered the most incapable and irresponsible parents the world has ever seen.
I know a lot of guys from my (our) generation who already have children and often stay home playing video games, watching TV, drinking beer, and a lot of activities like that, which make you look irresponsible; and that's a royal mess.

I don't think it makes you look irresponsible, I mean playing videogames is like any hobbie ( since my point of view ), I don't drink and watch T.V. the whole day, and I know when my time comes, I can't stay the whole day playing and fooling around with my pals, I'll have to work from monday to friday and the weekends share my time with my family. I accept it makes you look childish and naive " Ohh yeah I still play videogames ", but I think is better than drinking beer every weekend.

Even if I'm personnaly convinced that the past generation (born after the Second W.W.) fathered the most incapable and irresponsible parents the world has ever seen.

I have no arguments about that topic :S, I can't give my opinion.
No, of course, I mean I play videogames too; it's just that when you own 36 ones with 73 different games on each, know how to finish them all and play online until 5 AM when you're more than 20, it's time to stop. IMO.

But I might be wrong : it's just my point of view on this subject.
No, of course, I mean I play videogames too; it's just that when you own 36 ones with 73 different games on each, know how to finish them all and play online until 5 AM when you're more than 20, it's time to stop. IMO.

But I might be wrong : it's just my point of view on this subject.

Well I used to do that, when I was younger, but at the moment I can't, I have to full my duties first like school, homeworks and stuffs like that. I only play the game once and that's all, I don't get the secret stages or weapons, not anymore.
I decided to stop involving myself in video games when :

1 - I saw a long-haired geek in a store, telling his wife's gonna leave him because he spended too much time on videogames, I just thought : " will I ever look like THIS !? :erk:"
2 - I finished Final Fantasy 7. I knew there was nothing more on earth that will keep my attention alive :p

Nowadays, I play Nintendo DS in the subway, old video games on my PC and my Playstation, but that's all. I'm not buying any "next-gen", until at least 10 GOOD games come on them.
I decided to stop involving myself in video games when :

1 - I saw a long-haired geek in a store, telling his wife's gonna leave him because he spended too much time on videogames, I just thought : " will I ever look like THIS !? :erk:"

HAHAHA actually, once I saw on the Mexicans news a special report about some guys that got divorced due to the time they used to spent playing videogames, really I fucking laughed, I couldn't belive that there are people like them.

2 - I finished Final Fantasy 7. I knew there was nothing more on earth that will keep my attention alive :p

FF7 is a kick ass game

Nowadays, I play Nintendo DS in the subway, old video games on my PC and my Playstation, but that's all. I'm not buying any "next-gen", until at least 10 GOOD games come on them.

Assasin's creed
Gear of Wars
Oblivion 4
Halo 3
Metal Gear Solid 4
Devil May cry 4
Lost Planet
Over the summer, on days off, I've played video games all night.

But usually I can't do that, school comes first. Then work, then party.
it's almost 2 am now, still doing homework for uni (just home from work at 1 am) then I'm going to sleep for a while, wake up at 8 am. then do more homework, then uni from 10 am till 1 pm. then more homework, then work again, back at 1am again, then next morning class again etc

not much sleep for me, very tired, etc :(
I'm feeling ok today. I went to London for the whole day with a couple of friends and it was cool.

First went to Camden Town and got myself a Follow The Reaper T-Shirt. :D:D:D:D

Then went to the London Eye which actually bored me. Everyone else seemed fascinated by the fact that you could see buckhinam palace, the houses of parliment, big ben, st. paul's cathedral etc and I was just like "meh, where da gtr shops :("

After that we went to Wembely Football Stadium which took ages 'cause we got told to get off at Wembely Central Station which took us 15 mins to walk from the station to the main bit of it but then like another 15 mins just to walk round to the front. Whe then found out that if we got off at Kensington (I think), it would have been a 5 min walk straight up to the front. :erk: That was boring too.

Then we went to The Natural History Museum off Earl's Court (could have got off at a closer station again...) which was fuckin' awesome! Dinosaurs, reptiles, bugs, mammals, fish, birds, volcanos, earthquakes, space etc. We were in there for over an hour and a half and we still wasn't all the way through. Definitely worth visiting. And, it's FREE!!!

We ate at a Pizza Hut just outside of the Embankment station I think and then went to a pub just outside Tower Hill, which is also a few meters away from London Bridge, which looked gorgeous at night. The sound of the River Thames against the shore was also really, really nice since it was quite calm and really quiet. The gentle rain also made it perfect for me. My fucking hair went a big curly though so I was pissed off about that. :lol:

And that was the end of my day. A cool shirt and a cool experience in the NHM made it all worth while.

Next time, we'll probably go to the Natural Science Museum and Madam Tussauds. We could have paid £30 at the Eye for a ticket for that aswell but it seemed too much at the time.
I woke up feeling like shit, then on the bus I felt worse, then I got to work and was alright, saw my smokin' hot co-worker and was even better, then I saw someone I want to kill and felt even worse than when I woke up after I completely ignored his attempt to say hello, then I felt like dying, then I felt ok, then I had a good ol' time with a ghetto co-worker, then I bought Oliver Sacks' new book and felt kind of accomplished, after that I made a decision and felt proud of myself, but now I am questioning it, so I feel weird and this goes on and on and on every fucking day.