The return of the "How are you today?" thread

I just want to get the fuck out of work, hit the gym, and then start drinking.

great combo

┼Victim of the Night┼;6744759 said:
Vikk!! Stop learning always more languages... I'm envious! :lol: ...nah, I'm not, I joke. :)


*hugs hun* your enamorato accent is good enough for me
Oho, I got two hugs (via the internet).

It's Saturday 15.04 and I still haven't left the house, cleaned, cooked or done any studying that I was supposed to.

Also, I found another Finn, this time it's a hockey player, who uses "you know" way too much. I believe he said it four times and between those four, he had a few thinking pauses and "like"-words. "Like, you know, um, you know, I, err, you know..." And they just asked for a few comments about the game and the goals he scored... Kind of funny.

Well, if I had to speak in english I would probably say "you know" and "like" a lot, I actually use it a lot in french.
My right eye has been red and swollen since I woke up, which makes me look less fabulous. Also, it's snowing, which pretty much ends all the plans (and they were kinda big plans) I had for tomorrow. :cry:

And damn this damned song!
I feel like shit, well actually I'm so fuckign angry. I can't believe people. You do so much for them and they turn around and be such lazy cunts, can't even be bothered to drive 10 mins down the road to save you a shitload of money. It's ok, I'll get even with these cocksuckers.

Amon Amarth tomorrow.

But right now, I'm dealing with massive skin irritation. Massive dry skin problem + cold = OH NO!!