The return of the "How are you today?" thread

:lol: I didn't even watch the whole thing, what a piece of shit. The only part I LOL'd at was when the guy spits at her and she like blocks it with her hand and bitchslaps him.
^:lol: yeah, that was funny. I usually watch a movie totally or I don't watch it all. You never know if the ending is any good (usually it's not)

I used to think that way... but too many goddamn disappointments made me change my mind. I mean sometimes I'll stick it out for the hell of it but this movie was just too goddamn retarded. :erk:
:lol: I want to watch The Man in the Iron Mask now, weird :zombie:

The movies I watched recently that I liked were The Brave one, Eastern Promises, American Gangster and the Halloween remake. 3:10 to Yuma was ok, but nothing incredible.
Eastern promises was pretty good.

saw the Halloween remake about 3 months ago. Best Halloween yet imo (and I have them all)

my recently seen:
Ultraviolent, Dukes of Hazard, The Mask, I am Legend, V for Vendetta, Tenacious D and the pick of destiny, Road Trip, Shooter, Hackers 2 - Operation takedown, 7 seconds.

Does it show that I don't have a life? I've seen a complete season of stargate too this week. :lol:
^:OMG: wtf? you watched the sopronas for 24 hours? :zombie:

problem with me is that I should be studying for the exams next week. Haven't opened a single book yet :lol: