The return of the "How are you today?" thread

:lol: I want to watch The Man in the Iron Mask now, weird :zombie:

The movies I watched recently that I liked were The Brave one, Eastern Promises, American Gangster and the Halloween remake. 3:10 to Yuma was ok, but nothing incredible.

fuck! Eastern Promises = Russian Mafia = Thick Russian accent = Win Armaggedon :notworthy:kickass::rock:
it looks to have seed now...

the offer is quite good on metal imo. Sometimes it does have few seeds but usually not for long. Why don't you upload some of your stuff?
I went to hairdresser's, got some streaks dyed... :D Now at least looks like I've got streaks. (Last time colour faded almost to my natural haircolour :Smug:)
This thread's name could be changed into "how do you feel at the moment", cuz I can't talk about the whole day but about this precise moment, and I am angry. Very.
I HATE being single:waah:

I had a good evening yesterday with a friend and we bitched about men for several hours. Then we met with another friend, who randomly met some girl friends of his, and they were boring me shitless. Then my other friends finally showed up, we went dancing and, today, I feel like if I don't have some meaningful in my life NOW, I will kill someone.:grin: