The return of the "How are you today?" thread

Dude, seriously, stop trolling with this goat shit. It's really unfunny.
+8. Nearly as annoying as the "kickass-smilie" at the end of every of his posts..

I'm sick. After uni, I lay in my bed and watched Dharma and Greg, the Simpsons and King of Queens (2 episodes of each). Now I'm waiting for Ally McBeal. I think I fill the waiting time with Super Mario 64.
And trying not to puke :erk:
Yeah, sure. Happiness is all gone though, and I am back to being the same old paranoid psycho as always. Anyway, that night I had a received a totally unexpected phone call from this person of the opposite gender who wanted to hang out. I couldn't make it, but still, the call was really nice.

And on a side note, but still referring to that same person, WHY DO I ONLY MEET WEIRDOS?! I am such a magnet to weirdos! Each one is worse than the previous and I think I am growing a really high tolerance for weirdness, which is not a good thing.

Ohh....:( *hugs*


I just ate a power bar. It's my lunch break right now and I am thrilled this is my Friday and I will have a 4 day weekend!

I have a party and a show to go to on the next few days and a bullshit relationship to look forward to.

i just measure myself again, and i'm 187cm :zombie:

and for the next 7 days i'll be totaly alone at home :kickass: