The return of the "How are you today?" thread

We start recording our full length this weekend at Karma Studios (GWAR's studio) and will continue into next weekend. Our first full length will be released this Spring in Europe, South America, and North America by Canonical Hours Records.
Today im rather scared. Ive been jawning alot lately, probably due to a lack of sleep (but i dont really care about that). The jawns are getting bigger, and its starting to hurt my jaw, but i cant stop them.. and i just read the jaw can be dislocated because of jawning. Im fucking serious, i dont want that
Today im rather scared. Ive been jawning alot lately, probably due to a lack of sleep (but i dont really care about that). The jawns are getting bigger, and its starting to hurt my jaw, but i cant stop them.. and i just read the jaw can be dislocated because of jawning. Im fucking serious, i dont want that

Fuck off, I have had almost no sleep this past entire week :erk: I've got an average of 5 to 6 hours per night, not very good :zombie:
:lol::lol::lol::lol: 5-6, that is a lot for me :lol:

Correct me if I'm wrong, but you quit your job and you are not currently attending school :p 5-6 hours sleep is actually not very much sleep at all, especially if it is for many consecutive days without at least a single nap.

I usually don't sleep more than 3 hours per night, though I'm never tired. ISN'T THAT WEEEEIRD?!

No, depends on your daily activity, as mentioned before.

I'm going to sleep now :lol:
Correct me if I'm wrong, but you quit your job and you are not currently attending school :p 5-6 hours sleep is actually not very much sleep at all, especially if it is for many consecutive days without at least a single nap.

No, depends on your daily activity, as mentioned before.

I'm going to sleep now :lol:

Well, about a year ago I had 2 jobs and was in college AND highschool (long story). That combined with less than 3 or 4 hours sleep per day.. I managed to do all that just fine.:p
I still make really long days, wake up at 05.00, go to bed around 00.30 (which doesn't mean I fall asleep immediately), usually I'm busy all the time (yarly, even though I spend quite some time behind my laptop, it's almost always while doing stuff for college), but you won't ever hear me complain about being tired or so.
Just don't need that much sleep apparently, which is awesome.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but you quit your job and you are not currently attending school :p 5-6 hours sleep is actually not very much sleep at all, especially if it is for many consecutive days without at least a single nap.

I am not a dumbass so school was never really hard for me, I managed my time properly and got my work done so I wasn't up all night last minute finishing and essay half-assed... and :lol: eventhough I do spend a shitload of time online I somehow manage to end up being suckered into doing a lot during the day so :lol:

And btw, when I was working it was full time nights and I still only was running on like 4-5 hours max so :lol:
I am not a dumbass so school was never really hard for me, I managed my time properly and got my work done so I wasn't up all night last minute finishing and essay half-assed... and :lol: eventhough I do spend a shitload of time online I somehow manage to end up being suckered into doing a lot during the day so :lol:

I'm taking advanced placement courses, I wouldn't go as far as to say I'm a dumbass :lol:

And btw, when I was working it was full time nights and I still only was running on like 4-5 hours max so :lol:

:notworthy :goggly:
It's Saturday night/Sunday morning, just came in.

and I'm bored, tired and possibly horny with a chance of back pain.

Lovin' life oh yes indeed:kickass:
i'm tired as fuck.

but i can't be bothered to take a shower.

but i'm really fucking sweaty.

i had a kickass night.

hopefully get to see my girl today?

well fuck.