The return of the "How are you today?" thread

I felt good the whole day...and now I feel even better! :D Yaow, I just bought something in ebay! I wanted to buy it for 70€ ...and now I got it for 23€. :D

Here it is:

It's nice for the bedroom and an industrial S&M underground club event. NOT for 14 year old girls. Sorry, if your parents are ok with it then so be it... but you wear something like that in the US- ESPECIALLY at 14- you're prime grade A meat for rape in a dark alley. Chill out and be a teenage girl, not a seductress or doll. Trying to make yourself look older than you are may be gratifying to you- but it can get you in more trouble than you can handle.

Trust me- at one time I was 14 going on 20 and not by choice. Now, I'm 21 going on 30. Unless you're forced to do otherwise, think as a 14 year old, not the age you'd like to appear as. You can think like an older person- but never as a younger person. Enjoy the age you are before you can't live 14 anymore.

Mmmk now everyone can burn me to hell now.
but you wear something like that in the US- ESPECIALLY at 14- you're prime grade A meat for rape in a dark alley.

:lol: What kind of shit is that to say... you of all people I thought you'd be a staunch supporter of women's rights. A girl should be able to wear whatever she wants, just because she dressed a certain way doens't mean she's asking to be raped :lol: That's the same shit the muzzies say to justify their bullshit :lol:

imo if she wants to dress that way, and it makes her feel good, then let her. The clothes don't make you a whore.
The whole point of being a teenager is getting in trouble and wishing you were older... I kinda missed that point, but I was a troubled teen - way too shy and self-conscious! :blush::p

It's a beautiful corset and I am sure she is not going to wear it at school or near any dark alleys.

I must say it would be more... uh... appropriate if you wore it with a nice, little jacket on top, though:p

Btw, I am still really sick. I think I am going to die, but I feel bad about calling in sick tomorrow again, so I'll just go to work and be miserable and spread my germs around!
:lol: What kind of shit is that to say... you of all people I thought you'd be a staunch supporter of women's rights. A girl should be able to wear whatever she wants, just because she dressed a certain way doens't mean she's asking to be raped :lol: That's the same shit the muzzies say to justify their bullshit :lol:

imo if she wants to dress that way, and it makes her feel good, then let her. The clothes don't make you a whore.
Common sense outweighs women's rights in that situation. She can wear whatever she wants- however a rapist doesn't think about that shit. His mind is triggered to target those most susceptable to rape.

Situations like this work with this type of logic:

Just cause I'm dressed in revealing clothes doesn't mean I'm sexually promiscuous and asking for attention.

Just because I'm dressed like a cop doesn't mean I'm a cop.

It's not about what she IS or how SHE sees herself. It's about what message that kind of dress gives. It's pretty much an ad asking for sexual advances.

My kid- I'd let her dress up all she wants in the house, but I'd kill her if she tried to walk out the door at 14 dressed like that.
I already had my kids. Mom, dad and kid brother. I wouldn't wanna raise another me. I'd shoot myself. Plus I'd need a sperm donor... traps don't do so well with convincing men to donate.
Common sense outweighs women's rights in that situation. She can wear whatever she wants- however a rapist doesn't think about that shit. His mind is triggered to target those most susceptable to rape.

Situations like this work with this type of logic:

Just cause I'm dressed in revealing clothes doesn't mean I'm sexually promiscuous and asking for attention.

Just because I'm dressed like a cop doesn't mean I'm a cop.

It's not about what she IS or how SHE sees herself. It's about what message that kind of dress gives. It's pretty much an ad asking for sexual advances.

My kid- I'd let her dress up all she wants in the house, but I'd kill her if she tried to walk out the door at 14 dressed like that.

Way to rip off black comedians (Dave Chappelle and someone else). I get your point, but look at how you dressed. Just because you dressed like some gothic freak doesn't mean you were one, or that it was ok for people to tease you so:p Plus, police have a uniform, 'slutty' clothes are a matter of opinion, so that logic fails.

Plus I'd need a sperm donor... traps don't do so well with convincing men to donate.

trap/tarp=shemale/man that looks like a woman

Therefore you would already posses sperm and in fact need a vagina. just met a girl on craigslist.


That's her on the left.

That's the ex in the middle.

:lol::lol:Dude, online dating ftw...