The return of the "How are you today?" thread just met a girl on craigslist.


My buddy and I created a fake email account and fucked with this one couple searching for another male partner for their threesome :lol:! We sent and received two replies back and it was some funny shit. Previously I thought craigslist was to sell/purchase items, not to hook up with people and pursue sexual desires :lol:

My buddy and I created a fake email account and fucked with this one couple searching for another male partner for their threesome :lol:! We sent and received two replies back and it was some funny shit. Previously I thought craigslist was to sell/purchase items, not to hook up with people and pursue sexual desires :lol:

Same here :lol: I mean about the thinking all they did was buying/selling, not being a faggot trying to get in a threesome... BUT IT'S NOT GAY IF BALLS AREN'T TOUCHING!
I'm gonna have to agree with Dred. It's a shame young girls grow up too fast now a days.

Erm...I won't wear that to school or something. I'll just wear it to those special occasions this year (my grandma's 80th birthday, my grandpa's 80th birthday, and some other...). So...well, I think it's okay if I wear that for those days? I mean, I won't wear it to school or something.

Unless you're forced to do otherwise, think as a 14 year old, not the age you'd like to appear as.
I don't want to appear older than I am? ...damn it, I just want to try to be myself, wear the clothes I like and not caring about anyone's opinion anymore.
I just want to wear what I want, and I know what's okay for me and what's not. I'm not a person who'd wear that to school, or something.
As I said...I'll just for those special days this year.

imo if she wants to dress that way, and it makes her feel good, then let her. The clothes don't make you a whore.
Woooh, thank you, Joe. Now three people said it's okay if I wear it, and three people said it's not okay.
...I still care too much about other's opinions, it seems. Now I don't really know anymore what's "right" or "wrong". :/
I felt good the whole day...and now I feel even better! :D Yaow, I just bought something in ebay! I wanted to buy it for 70€ ...and now I got it for 23€. :D

Here it is:


Oh wow, I saw this just now... now I understand what Nikki and Dred talked about... and well, I don't wanna say anything about it, Erni, cuz it's your business only and it's your right to do what makes you feel more comfortable...
I can only add that I adore it, and black is the best colour for it, and I need to buy another one, cuz my old one is not available anymore. :)

i guess he wanted to say is "Originally an item of lingerie, the corset has become a popular item of outerwear in the fetish and BDSM subcultures."

i think its cool if you go to some gothic party with that, along with long skirts
but even for social events, it will pretty much make you look like a slut.
So I'm a slut, only because I'm 14? ...what the fuck is that? Either people look like a slut with it, or not. Why does the age matter then?

a 14 years old wearing a corset only, its somehow related to sex insinuation, or erotic insinuation. (in a normal social occasion)
erni said:
So I'm a slut, only because I'm 14? ...what the fuck is that? Either people look like a slut with it, or not. Why does the age matter then?

I think that it could be better just forget it all... current society has prejudices, Erni, that's what the guys here were basicly trying to tell you.
I understand what they meant, and can't deny that it's like that, cuz today people judge us looking at what we wear and how our appearance is only, and age is always considered and important... I think that some of those who do so has nothing better to do, obviously, but anyway, what can we do about it?
Maybe you could wait to get a lil' older before wearing that? I dunno, I don't feel like giving advice cuz I'm noone... but I only want you to be happy, Erni. :)
It's sick how easily a girl can get raped nowadays(just a btw). Losers should go find a actual girl and not need to take to force :lol: Fuckin loosers...And i will just add to what you are discussing. People SHOULD be able to wear what they want. Unfortunately it does not always work that way ...:erk:

I am a satanist by first sight when i wear camo pants,chains and a black tank top and have pretty long hair. Nevermind...doesn't really fit into the subject but..