His Dudeness
yeah don't take internet seriously. but write long post to try prove your point!

I just skipped it.
yeah don't take internet seriously. but write long post to try prove your point!
Excuse me? I didn't get mad at all?Maybe on the Battleheart board, people gave a fuck about what you said. Here, none of us care, so just shut the fuck up and crawl up your ass if you can't take a joke. Don't bring your drama online, maybe you haven't learned that since you cried about your drug addiction everywhere. Shit happens in life, I had a funeral to go to last week too, it was upsetting and I'm sure other people had to go through shit too but we don't post our stuff online then get mad if someone makes a harmless joke. And anyone who does is an idiot. Nothing against you, I just think that is the most fucking retarded cock sucking moronic thing a person can do on the interbuttz.
It was more of a "dont-you-dare-to-make-jokes-about-it".
Have to side with them on this.
People here are obviously going to make a dick remark, so if its a sensitive subject you don't want someone insulting, keep it to yourself.
yeah don't take internet seriously. but write long post to try prove your point!
Internet. It's for tough guy.
Excuse me? I didn't get mad at all?It was more of a "dont-you-dare-to-make-jokes-about-it".
I have lost 4 persons I cared about in less than 2 months, and right now I'm not in the mood for jokes about this. Maybe some day I will actually think it was funny, but not now.
+9001You've been around the internet long enough that you should know by now that the best way to ensure a joke is made about a sensitive subject is to ask for it to be excluded from said joking.
Everything is fair game. EVERYTHING! (as long as it's in the name of lulz and isn't a hack joke)
Have to side with them on this.
People here are obviously going to make a dick remark, so if its a sensitive subject you don't want someone insulting, keep it to yourself.
jesus not even in real life people should care about what strangers say
Hey you all...leave her alone, okay? :/
She just said how she feels today and she said why...and that's really okay, so respect that. And don't make stupid jokes about things like that.. Death is like the worst thing in life and if that happened to someone then you should really not make "jokes" about that...
Just read what she said and if you don't like it, ignore it. But don't make stupid jokes... No matter if this is internet...we're not stupid robots without feelings. And you all should know the things you say here could maybe hurt the other person's feelings...
No matter if this is internet...we're not stupid robots without feelings. And you all should know the things you say here could maybe hurt the other person's feelings...
You've been around the internet long enough that you should know by now that the best way to ensure a joke is made about a sensitive subject is to ask for it to be excluded from said joking.
Everything is fair game. EVERYTHING! (as long as it's in the name of lulz and isn't a hack joke)
Hey you all...leave her alone, okay? :/
She just said how she feels today and she said why...and that's really okay, so respect that. And don't make stupid jokes about things like that.. Death is like the worst thing in life and if that happened to someone then you should really not make "jokes" about that...
Just read what she said and if you don't like it, ignore it. But don't make stupid jokes... No matter if this is internet...we're not stupid robots without feelings. And you all should know the things you say here could maybe hurt the other person's feelings...
Look, I'm not saying I don't have any empathy for your situation, all I said was anyone can say anything if you make it public. George Carlin even says so, ANYTHING CAN BE FUNNY. I'm not saying your loss is funny, but someone can use humour if they wish.
You know you have a bad history of this shit, you air your dirty laundry online then cry when people poke fun at it, get a life. Remember you started a huge thing on the Battleheart forum over your drug problem? You were some cracked out whore trying to get clean, and me, not knowing that, I made a simple joke about drugs TOTALLY unaware of your problem and you flipped out and went ballistic. So shut the fuck up. No one cares here, go cry on Battleheart.
And Joe, about the drugsthing, I never knew it was meant as a joke, so I'm sorry about freaking out about it. But god, that happened ages ago, I've changed, so I would really appreciate it if you'd forget about it.
I have known vikk for a long time, and I know he tries to make jokes about everything