The return of the "How are you today?" thread

Damn,I gotta get out of this community college...

as soon as I get out I'll have a internship waiting for me with the Philadelphia Flyers *proud of herself*

On another note, I'm getting better :D
Americans keep shoving all their crappy snow storms up at southern Ontario, snow storms I don't want.

I blame America for the weather, consider this a declaration of war.
If that was meant as a joke: go fuck yourself.
If not: wtf? Who cares on what day people get buried. Saturday is the best day IMO, because at least most of the people who want to come to show some respect or whatever, can come.

:lol: Maybe on the Battleheart board, people gave a fuck about what you said. Here, none of us care, so just shut the fuck up and crawl up your ass if you can't take a joke. Don't bring your drama online, maybe you haven't learned that since you cried about your drug addiction everywhere. Shit happens in life, I had a funeral to go to last week too, it was upsetting and I'm sure other people had to go through shit too but we don't post our stuff online then get mad if someone makes a harmless joke. And anyone who does is an idiot. Nothing against you, I just think that is the most fucking retarded cock sucking moronic thing a person can do on the interbuttz.