The return of the "How are you today?" thread

Toucher and Rich's Heavy Metal Karaoke tonight. I'm fucking stoked. I haven't hung out with the T.A.R.D.'s since the xmas party.

This is the first T&R event where I won't be drinking, but I will be baked off my ass.

Perhaps I'll sing some Dio :rock:
Pissed off at myself after last night. I totally dropped the ball with this one girl at the bar.

She was way out of my league and invited me to go home with her (after some heavy petting that took place on the dance floor. I still have a mark on my neck where she bit me.)

I told her I was responsible for bringing my friend home.

Odds on her ever calling me. Slim to none.

*se* least it was a major boost to my confidence. This chick was cuuuuuuuuute.
I tried to be a hero last night, and I ended up flying into a painting with a friend falling into my hipbone while my left leg stuck out.

Needless to say we fixed the painting, the friend is ok, but I'm still in pain, damn it. :cry:
Doing alright. Got up 'round 10:15, go to the gym around 11:20, got home at 2 and now I'm all showered and high and ready to do some laundry. w00t
It just hit me that the Symphony X gig is in 3 days and the Bodom gig is in 5 days..... YES!