The return of the "How are you today?" thread

I got mugged yesterday.They were like 6 dudes that were around 17-20 and they put a knife at my neck and threatened to kill me.. Stole my phone, money and mp3 player :(. I'm feeling a bit "eh".
I'm glad I'm alright.

Dude...thats fuct. Glad you're alright though.
I'm apparently getting my security License so I can work at parking lot booth :p

:lol: You would make the worst security officer ever :p

I got mugged yesterday.They were like 6 dudes that were around 17-20 and they put a knife at my neck and threatened to kill me.. Stole my phone, money and mp3 player :(. I'm feeling a bit "eh".
I'm glad I'm alright.

It happens, sucks though man... out of curiosity, were they black guys by chance or?
Dude...thats fuct. Glad you're alright though.

Thank you dude!
It happens, sucks though man... out of curiosity, were they black guys by chance or?

A black guy and 4-5 Latinos, I was way too nervous to count lol. The black guy seemed to be the leader, he was the one that told me to give my stuff. He was stronger than the others, or so it seemed to my eyes.
I got mugged yesterday.They were like 6 dudes that were around 17-20 and they put a knife at my neck and threatened to kill me.. Stole my phone, money and mp3 player :(. I'm feeling a bit "eh".
I'm glad I'm alright.

welcome to the club man :lol: i had a gun in my head once

damm those latinos, they are everywhere :mad:
I got mugged yesterday.They were like 6 dudes that were around 17-20 and they put a knife at my neck and threatened to kill me.. Stole my phone, money and mp3 player :(. I'm feeling a bit "eh".
I'm glad I'm alright.


I've been havin' a shite start for the week lawl...
I'm alright, don't have a lesson until 10am today, but I thought I'd get up early anyway just to get more of the day in.

Also feeling slightly annoyed as I've realised I'm going to have to actually start working hard at school now. But still :lol:ing because I have no where near as much work to do as one of my friends who took Computing, IT, Cisco Networking, Physics and Maths for his A-levels :lol:
My drummer nearly cut my finger off earlier, in his defense we were at his place eating all his food and he was cutting oranges, a little too frantically though. I now have this wicked gash in my index, thankfully I can still play guitar.
last night was shit, i broke da window of da kfc down the road wit my arse(drunk an fuckin around) they were like now you gotta pay cause u kicked it an we were like fuk you we didn't kick it and what kind of piss weak wanker fuckin window do you have that gets broken by my albeit awsome arse of steel and destruction, but not that awesome. as such today suks, lectures suk, an my pc is on the verge of crashing. FUCK IT ALL!!! im going to the pub now to get drunk(no kfc):kickass::kickass::kickass::kickass::Puke:
Got nice day today Blooddrunk single came this day from post. Now drinking coffee and wondering what to do next. Soon have to start to study very hard many exams coming.:erk: