The return of the "How are you today?" thread

This day sucks already. I was woken up at least an hour and a half before I needed to be, and I couldn't go back to sleep. Then I find out the Flyers are more fucked over, since arguably their best player is out till just about the rest of the season. And I have a physiology test, and lab.

Yeah, I hate Mondays.
I'm good today I think...nice weather, the day started good. :) And I have a 2 in english test...yay! :D

And my corset arrived today...double "yay" for that it looks good and it's not too big/small for me. Fits perfectly. :D Soooo now I just have to wait until we go to my grandma...then the day will be even better. I didn't see her for a few months, so I really need that again. :)

Welcome, nice day! :) ...hopefully my good mood will stay the whole day? We'll see.

It's almost end of day, now I'll just go to bed...and yay, my day's still really nice... woo, thank you!! :)
sorry for the recent absence from the board (not that anyone noticed). I'm pretty down actually. I need to get the fuck away from this bullshit life I live for a little bit.

Aw *hugs* Try to take it easy for a while and totally disengage yourself from every aspect of your life that gets you down as much as possible,change your mindset to a positive one and try it out for a few days, try new things,make new friends etc.It could lift your mood totally,least that's what I do when I'm feeling crap.Life is what you make it as they say.
Aw *hugs* Try to take it easy for a while and totally disengage yourself from every aspect of your life that gets you down as much as possible,change your mindset to a positive one and try it out for a few days, try new things,make new friends etc.It could lift your mood totally,least that's what I do when I'm feeling crap.Life is what you make it as they say.

I can agree with that. I've had a shitty time since well.. the beginning of this year, and the last 2 weekends I've been going out, having fun, met new people blaa blaa blaa, I skipped 2 weeks in college, and I feel MUCH better at the moment:)
when I woke up today, I felt like shit (without drinking the night before!).
Fortunately, I'm feeling a bit better now. Otherwise it would be a boring vacation day
I got mugged yesterday.They were like 6 dudes that were around 17-20 and they put a knife at my neck and threatened to kill me.. Stole my phone, money and mp3 player :(. I'm feeling a bit "eh".
I'm glad I'm alright.
I got mugged yesterday.They were like 6 dudes that were around 17-20 and they put a knife at my neck and threatened to kill me.. Stole my phone, money and mp3 players :(. I'm feeling a bit "eh".
I'm glad I'm alright.

My brother was mugged last summer, although his was more of 3 guys came up behind him, kicked him to the ground, knocked him out and took his shirt, shoes, wallet, and keys...

His back was fucked for about 2-3 weeks after.

Chances are they wouldn't have hurt you that much. Generally they don't risk that kind of heat for the $60 you MIGHT have.

But thats shitty :(