The return of the "How are you today?" thread

I'm angry and pissed off, because the radical fascists in my town have recruited a new wave of brainless cunts that are bound to ruin the anual town holidays. They'be been beating up people and doing other shit for no reason and, as alwas, as the fucking cowards they are: always four/five times more people than the victims. I fucking hate them. Shit I'm getting really pissed off!

FUCKING USELESS CUNTS!!! They'd be better six feet under, and buried alive if possible, so they can know what suffering is.
I'm going to attempt to lighten up this little unhappy shack of a thread.

Today I'm feeling like the world will devour all my dreams and leave my heart empty and cold. I also bought my first eyeliner and the Dan Jacobs signature guitar.
Hokay, I feel our whole house shaking so I start going "AMG EARTHQUAAAAKE" but I go outside and I see a helicopter. Niiiiiice.....
Today I'm feeling like the world will devour all my dreams and leave my heart empty and cold. I also bought my first eyeliner and the Dan Jacobs signature guitar.

don't worry mate! you're not alone!

Hah, I totally love the people in my class, bunch of weird fucks:D *I have to say I fit perfectly well in there:rolleyes:*
Today.............. was a weird day.
Took the bus to college at 7.30, and there are always 2 because of the amount of people at that time.. so they were both CROWDED, when the one I was not sitting in almost exploded so like 100 people more had to get in our bus... >8( So when I finally arrived (took me 1,5 hours, normally 45 minutes) I had one lecture, then went home for 3,5 hours (which were 2 in the bus), THEN i went back to college again, 2 lectures........ and home again.

I'd like some sleep now.

This forum is so fucking emo, it's getting annoying.

Thats what happens when its overrun with 16 year olds.

Teen angst FTL!!!

Speaking of which, I went back and read some of my livejournal from highschool. Major lulz at how much of a limpwristed, sissy punk faggot I was.
*hugs everyone. Especially Swabs*

I feel tired :p

I got a womans book in the mail, along with a knitted woolhatthing... thing.. wHatever, it was nifty, but the book im eerie about. Its writen in first person "I" form, i dont like books that are written that way.
Its like invading someone elses thoughts, i feel i lose perspective over the situation and get a pretty biased view on shite. To read in Third Person, is way better, and suits me perfectly. I can tell that i probably wont enjoy this book, but i promised to read it, so i'm gonna. even though i feel.. I dont like it.

THe books name is "The Zahir" by a "Paulo Coelho"

Apparently a Brazillian guy. I'm just at the intro pages though, if anyone feel i have prejudged the book wrongly, please do tell
you only need to read 1 book of Paulo Coelho, because they all have the same story basicly. its not all bad thou

in the book i read, we wrote one chapter as himself talking with the book characters, and then in the end of the chapter he wrote ("but that is not important, lets get back to the history") :lol: ego-o-meter at 100%