The return of the "How are you today?" thread

I am sick. Again:(:ill::zombie:

I thought I was fine, so I went back to work and went out the other day and now I am worse than before. I think I have walking pneumonia or something, which really sucks because I have a 5 day weekend coming up and a bunch of plans. ARGH!
I'm back to work...and not too thrilled. I had a pretty decent weekend though...except for getting blackout drunk on friday, callnig two random girls cunts, almost getting my ass kicked, and being tossed out of the bar. Lee kept buying me drinks all night. I think he wanted to fuck me in the bum.

Saturday I met with that chick from teh intartubes. Cool chick, we'll see what happens. We're gonna go rock climbing next weekend. Also, she said I look much skinnier in person than on my photos on myspace. That makes me really happy.

207.4 as of this morning.

*sips slim-fast*
I am really fucked because my back hurts and i failed my Maths exam/test/whatever....I had biology today and it seems i passed since it wasn't that HARD imo. I read from 6 to 12 yesterday because i kept forgetting what i had read and it was so fuckin long book to read to a test! I wish i could be more organized and also be able to read to tests BEFORE the last day:erk:
I had a doctor's appointment today, as I am super sick. So there I am, sitting at the doctor's office, looking like ass, when in comes the handsomest man I have seen in a long time. Very awkward.

Mr. Doctor was a nice little part of my day, but it sucks to be sick:waah: I have a 5 day weekend coming up and a bunch of plans... which I won't cancel, so these might be my last words.
Iiiii'm okay today... I could be good, and I am somehow...but I stress myself with school again, even if I don't really have a reason for that? Hm.
Stupid french test's just a bit of grammar stuff, really easy. I'm just too lazy to get my ass somewhere and learn. Ahh, why am I such a lazy person?

I'm sure tonight I'll sit there and be angry about myself that I didn't start learning earlier... So I think I'll do that, yeah.
My pants are full of fucking sheepblood:mad: I feel diiiiiiiiiiiirty:(
Had a good day though. Practicum was actually fun, though watching blood turning into some really odd sort of foam..... no thanks:guh:
Also, I went to college earlier to get tickets for some awesome comedian, waited almost 2 hours, were SO many people in the line for it.... then it turned out they only had 68 tickets, 2 per person, so 34 bastards got lucky, just not me:mad: