The return of the "How are you today?" thread

I just installed 2 FF extentions to help me become more productive at work. I've limited myself to 30 min of internet time per 4 hours...and I've got 27 left.

Lets see if this works.
I don't like McCain, but I'll take him over that talking vagina any day of the week.

Can you please give me a better and more valid reason. He wants troops in the middle east, EVEN IF IT IS FOR THE NEXT HUNDRED YEARS! AHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!! I'd go crazy if he was somehow elected (luckily, I don't have to worry).
Why? Because Hillary is inexperienced, and she's going for the sympathy vote by complaining about everything and crying on camera. I can't support that kind of horseshit. Someday we'll hopefully have a woman president...but not that sniveling cunt.
how did a whats your age thread become a political debate... politics should be banned from non-political threads... back on topic: im old enough
I'm doing pretty well. So...that girl I met that knows the ex, I've talked to her on the phone for the last 2 nights...and we may go out tonight, but most definitely on Monday :-)

Thank fucking Christ its Friday. I couldn't deal with another day of work. Padre is in the process of deciding whether or not I'll get Monday off.