The return of the "How are you today?" thread

^ watched sheeps being butchered? (what is "schlachten" in english?! ...I had to google it, I hope you know what I mean? :p)

Thank god I didn't :O
We just have a blood-related semester at the moment. Meaning basically 90% of all lessons are about blood, bloodstains etc etc:D
Just today we had to check (with sheepblood) if stains were actually blood or ink/paint/whatever. And me being really really stupid, I walked into the lab with my bag, so I pulled it off the table:loco:

And erm, schlachter(?) = butcher so I guess you're right:)
Nah, schlachten means to kill an animal for the meat as far as I know. Though my german is far from perfect so I could be totally wrong:p're right. Seems your german is better than my english, uh? ;)

@erni: it is, and i hate it:p
Esmee sounds ...well, I can't say it's nice or not nice...because I have no idea how it's pronounced... But, I think dutch pronounciation is almost the same as the german one, so...
But...I've never heard that name? I always thought dutch and german names are quite the same... Okay, name isn't really known, too. :p're right. Seems your german is better than my english, uh? ;)

Esmee sounds ...well, I can't say it's nice or not nice...because I have no idea how it's pronounced... But, I think dutch pronounciation is almost the same as the german one, so...
But...I've never heard that name? I always thought dutch and german names are quite the same... Okay, name isn't really known, too. :p

Seriously, my german SUCKS:lol: I only know the basics and stuff:p Enough to go out Lingen (if you know where that is:p), but not enough to have uberintelligent conversations:p

Esmee.... I really dont know how to explain what it sounds like. Last weekend I tried to learn some germans how to say it but they just couldnt xD
Guess something like (read it in ...french): Esmé? Dunno xD
Seriously, my german SUCKS:lol: I only know the basics and stuff:p Enough to go out Lingen (if you know where that is:p), but not enough to have uberintelligent conversations:p

Esmee.... I really dont know how to explain what it sounds like. Last weekend I tried to learn some germans how to say it but they just couldnt xD
Guess something like (read it in ...french): Esmé? Dunno xD

I can say your name, I think?

...oh and...Lingen? I think that's pretty close to where I live? Well...about 30km away I think...maybe more? Okay, I have no idea. :lol:
I don't know if it's because I am sick, but suddenly the mix of Afrin, Ibuprofen and cough syrup makes me feel kinda high. A mellow type of high... or something. This sucks.
