The return of the "How are you today?" thread

I'm ok I guess. I'm still up, 6am. I'm finishing gloves I'm making for Angela Gossow. She sent me a bunch of old Arch Enemy relics for my birthday so I'm doing this for her. As soon as I have pics of her wearing them I'll be sure to post! I've been working on them for a month now.

Besides that, the AE guys are funny... they want me to fly to London for a gig in April. I told them if they're paying for the ticket... heh heh
Yesterday was the Chili Pot, and I got drunk. Quite drunk. Wasn't expecting too either. It was a fucking shit show, and a hell of a time. DKM rocked. I ended up hooking up with the girl I "dated" last summer. Stupid move. I also lost my wallet....but apparently it's been found so everything is A-OK. I also lost my Chili Pot '08 t-shirt and I'm more upset about that than you'd think.
I'm ok I guess. I'm still up, 6am. I'm finishing gloves I'm making for Angela Gossow. She sent me a bunch of old Arch Enemy relics for my birthday so I'm doing this for her. As soon as I have pics of her wearing them I'll be sure to post! I've been working on them for a month now.

Besides that, the AE guys are funny... they want me to fly to London for a gig in April. I told them if they're paying for the ticket... heh heh

Pics or it didn't happen.
I'm good I think, except the fact that I missed the train home twice today, and threw away my coffee for that...:Smug:

Buuut well, I'm really tired now, ...too tired too get angry of that shit again. xD

I'll go to bed, good night!!:)
I'm ok. I finished packing some liquor chocolates for Kurt Cobain. He sent me tickets for the next Nirvana show, so I'm just doing it for him ! I'll post a pic of he & I headbangin' on stage as soon as possible.

I'm sorry, Lady_Relic, nothing personal.
Sono triste... e arrabbiata... e non c'è niente che io possa fare per stare meglio.
Che diavolo vivo a fare? ...lo so, non dovrei parlare così, ma non riesco ad evitarlo. Chissà che succederà nelle prossime ore... chissà.
Sorry LR, my bullshit detectors are going off...they usually do pretty much anytime you post. Well I'm off to go to Lars Ulrichs house for some beer and billiards. He also told me I can use one of Metallica's songs for a student film. He also says he'll suck my dick any time I want.

whoah, why the fuck did I come back to this forum?
:lol: Guys, it is possible. Although, I don't fucking post about all the shit my friends do, or what they give me. I do have a few friends in 'famous' bands and I don't brag about it on the internet, it's just normal for me.
I'm tired, I have no voice but I'm happy because I saw Evergrey yesterday :)

There was a strange fanboi in front of me, for first half an hour he kept licking singers shoe every time Tom put his foot on the front monitor :ill:.
I do have a few friends in 'famous' bands and I don't brag about it on the internet, it's just normal for me.

drove my other half to the airport at 2am this morning, killed two rabbits. Haven't slept properly in 2 days and im fucking desperate for a shower.
I went home for lunch, couldn't choke down more than 1/2 a chicken salad sangwich, and then I took a 45 min nap. I really just want this day to be over with.
^first of all welcome to the board!...didn't see u here before...was away for vacations...

to the others: guys i'm (obviously) back from my vacations...was some great time for relaxing and reading books and all that stuff...
Tomorrow is going to be so terrible I'm looking forward to it:lol:
I just had my first day at the new job, and tomorrow I have a 12.00-20.00 shift. Because it's "good friday" (is it called like that?) all Germans seem to have a day off so they're coming to where I work. I work in the biggest gardencenter in Holland, and it's 2km from the german border so yeah. They were talking about at least 500.000 customers (99,9% german, the rest dutchies) on this single day every year. =/
Apparently there will be *at least* 26 cashiers working all the time, while today it was a pretty busy day, and we only were with 5...:rolleyes:
Also, it seems we won't have any breaks, so we will have to eat while scanning products:lol:
AND those Germans usually seem to be very annoyed and agressive on this day, throwing stuff at the people who work there, etc etc etc.