The return of the "How are you today?" thread

I went out earlier and put off some fireworks, then like 20 mins in the fucking fire department came, they sent one truck, full blown sirens and everything. Fucking gay. I was having a lot of fun too XD
Its Tuesday, and best of all i only have 2 more exams left. Industrial technology and IT. AND i ate nearly a whole packet of jelly beans today!!!! But i started feeling sick cause id also eaten heaps of other junk food. Basically i ate shit from 11-1:40.
And i found out my oldest brother is coming home in 3 weeks.
i'm so fucking mad. Today my leather jacket should have arrived and it actually did,-i was just not at home. usually u get a lil sheet then which u need to take with u to take up that package. so i went to the post office which was closed and replaced by another office. i went there and it was fucking closed. The thing that made me rly go nuts was that this office is always just opened from 9-12. The time where i am usually at school. :mad: :mad: :mad:

fuck you post office!
Did someone really say that? :lol:

Yes, all my quotes are real:p A client at the homeless shelter I used to work at said that. Needless to say he was very serious about it! He was not the same client who called me a "subhuman fucking bitch", though.

Anyway... on my way to work... so exciting...:zombie:
Yes, all my quotes are real:p A client at the homeless shelter I used to work at said that. Needless to say he was very serious about it! He was not the same client who called me a "subhuman fucking bitch", though.

Anyway... on my way to work... so exciting...:zombie:

What's with the euphemisms?
I had my Industrial tech exam today... I didnt know half the stuff that was on it. not my fault we only have a theroy lessen when Our teacher is away! Spent the rest of the day playing random card games with my friends, untill they decided to torture me.
My eye is so fucking swollen, like swollen shut. And it hurts so bad. My doctor is a cunt. No one move to Canada ok, our healthcare system is falling apart. I'm not kidding. 6-7 hour waits at hospitals, 3-4 hour waits at after-hours clinics and good luck getting an appointment with your family doctor in less than a week or two.

My doctor gave my eyedrops for minor swelling in my LEFT eye, and it made it a little better but then it made my RIGHT eye, which has NEVER had a problem, so much fucking worse... so I went and saw him again on Saturday and he said it was only another sty so he just prescribed MORE eyedrops. And guess what, it's made my eye FUCKING 10 TIMES WORSE... >_> SO I called today and he told to go to the hospital... and that he told me to do that on Saturday too if it got worse but HE FUCKING DIDN'T SO WHAT THE FUCK.... I can't believe this bullshit.

I look like Sloth from the Goonies. I wish I was fucking kidding too.