The return of the "How are you today?" thread

My friend wasnt paying attention today at sport so she ended up whaking me real hard in the chest with a t-ball bat thing. Anyways it frikin hurt and now it hurts to breathe eat and drink. If im still like this in a few days ill consider going to the doctors.
Otherwise great day!
I've finished my exams but still have school for another 5 weeks. Something to do with the Easter holidays being longer than normal earlier in the year or something :/
there was a strike to object to the low purchasing power(?), not all trams n busses were driving,
so i had to walk to the station, 2,76 kms away, and then take a tram because the ones there WERE driving... so then i finally got to the city n walked around there :), had a pistachio milkshake and took the tram back to the station, then i had to walk back home :lol:

mah legs are tired

and all pretty shoes i find they don't have in my size :(
I'm exhausted. It's weird to have a grown up job and, since I am not exactly passionate about it, I sure hope my little sacrifice pays in the end.

But I only have tomorrow until my 4 day weekend. Wheee! :oops: back hurts, but I'm gonna keep practicing cuz I'm jamming with a drummer tomorrow and it's only gonna be my 2nd time ever jamming with anybody. I'm nervous :erk:
Im pretty good even though my feet seem to kill me but it was definetly worth it walking about 3 km to an electronic store for an epic sony mp3 player...I'm just copying the music to it to be ready to go and set the eq settings.
My sis got the same^

I remember when i took oral exam at your grade. I got a B, it was nature and environment, or what the fuck, anyways.. I got the topic "Radiation and Nuclear power", and since this is imo very interesting, i knew buttloads about it! So the guy gave me a B (not A, because i had no idea about some question he asked that was totally unrelated to everythign :lol:) and my teacher got super pissed!

He talked to me afterwards and told me i didn't deserve that grade, and i was super lucky

What an asshole :lol:
It's my fucking birthday today. I'm 25. I'm in a good spot, as far as life goes; I own my own home, I am single, no debt other then the house, with good ambitions for the future. But i can't help linking my age to a QUARTER OF A CENTURY!!! I'ts kinda depressing, but at the same time I know I'm still young as hell.

Oh well, free drinks all night today and tomorrow. :-D