The return of the "How are you today?" thread

Horrible. This system is so fucked up.
I had to go to court yesterday and sign up for community service and alcohol school. Both had fees. In order for me to do service to the community they want me to pay them $95 in addition to my fuckin volunteer work. I mean wtf? I have to give free service and then pay you assholes on top of that so you let me do the free work? What kind of logic is that?
So after I sign up for that, I had to sign up for the alcohol school, and just for signing up, I had shell out another $100. And get this-- when I go to register for the class tomorrow it will be another $520. What the fuck is wrong with these people? I mean yeah, I get it, I fucked up and now I have to pay the price. But I'm a fuckin student for crying out loud! All this is coming out of my savings. And there are more fees to come. I think this whole ordeal will cost me around 2 grand. And this doesn't include the $1643 court fees I still have to pay just for getting a fuckin DUI.

kids, if you live in America, NEVER drink and drive. It's not worth the risk.

It sucks, but you deserve that punishment. I mean, accept it gracefully and learn from your mistake. You may think it's too harsh but, the sad thing is, there's people who will go through all this and STILL re-offend.
I'm broke as a joke. Doesn't feel good. May the 25th come quick!


*scratches head*


I just weighed myself. 185.2.

<---officially hit his goal.

I'm exhausted, and hungry as hell and I don't know what I'm going to do this evening...probably laundry and surf the 'tubes.
Horrible. This system is so fucked up.
I had to go to court yesterday and sign up for community service and alcohol school. Both had fees. In order for me to do service to the community they want me to pay them $95 in addition to my fuckin volunteer work. I mean wtf? I have to give free service and then pay you assholes on top of that so you let me do the free work? What kind of logic is that?
So after I sign up for that, I had to sign up for the alcohol school, and just for signing up, I had shell out another $100. And get this-- when I go to register for the class tomorrow it will be another $520. What the fuck is wrong with these people? I mean yeah, I get it, I fucked up and now I have to pay the price. But I'm a fuckin student for crying out loud! All this is coming out of my savings. And there are more fees to come. I think this whole ordeal will cost me around 2 grand. And this doesn't include the $1643 court fees I still have to pay just for getting a fuckin DUI.

kids, if you live in America, NEVER drink and drive. It's not worth the risk.

They should have traded off your punishment since your injuries were so extensive and you got to live through them. Pricks.
In ohio they make you have yellow license plates with bright red lettering on your vehicle if you are convicted of a d u i
like Hester Prin...
yeah that works better. I'm just pissed off at our system tho, so I just particularly mentioned America.

It sucks, but you deserve that punishment. I mean, accept it gracefully and learn from your mistake. You may think it's too harsh but, the sad thing is, there's people who will go through all this and STILL re-offend.
No. Only a dumbshit would accept this "gracefully."
I deserve to do the community service (but not 200 fucking hours cuz my ribs are still paining) and I deserve the alcohol school. But I DO NOT deserve to pay $2000 just for signing up for both these things. The judge already fined me for the case, why should I keep giving money? Oh yeah, to make my state even richer. :rolleyes:

They should have traded off your punishment since your injuries were so extensive and you got to live through them. Pricks.
In ohio they make you have yellow license plates with bright red lettering on your vehicle if you are convicted of a d u i
like Hester Prin...

I know right??? I went through a lot of physical pain because of what I did, and I deserved it, I did it to myself. But I've also been mentally exhausted, replaying the scene over and over again in my head; and I understand that what I did was morally wrong. So why give me 200 fucking hours and all these extra fees. Greedy bastards.
I feel even worse than yesterday and got 1.5 hours of sleep total. The nausea is horrible and I haven't ate anything in 18+ hours. Anyone know of anything I can do to make the nausea be just a little less intense? Fever of 39 C.
yeah that works better. I'm just pissed off at our system tho, so I just particularly mentioned America.
In some places you'd have lost your license and gone to jail, others you would have gotten off without any consequence and been able to repeat your mistakes until you killed someone. Be happy you live in a society that isn't in one extreme or the other.

No. Only a dumbshit would accept this "gracefully."

No, you could try to make good out of this. Maybe offer to speak at school, or something, explain what you went through, who knows you could maybe prevent some kids from repeating your mistake, which would be a great thing.

I deserve to do the community service (but not 200 fucking hours cuz my ribs are still paining) and I deserve the alcohol school. But I DO NOT deserve to pay $2000 just for signing up for both these things. The judge already fined me for the case, why should I keep giving money? Oh yeah, to make my state even richer. :rolleyes:

That's not why you're paying so much. I'm not sure of the laws in your state but generally drunk driving comes with stiff fines as a deterrent. It's usually ineffective but what else can they do, throw you in jail? That's extreme for a first time offense (and no one was injured).

I know right??? I went through a lot of physical pain because of what I did, and I deserved it, I did it to myself. But I've also been mentally exhausted, replaying the scene over and over again in my head; and I understand that what I did was morally wrong. So why give me 200 fucking hours and all these extra fees. Greedy bastards.

No one cares what you did to yourself. I mean I do, I'm sorry you got hurt but in the eyes of the public, you made the decision to drive drunk, you crashed, it's 100% your fault and really you deserve no sympathy or extra leniency because you were hurt. Should you have been punishment more if you were 100% ok? No, that's not a punishment works. If you inflict it on yourself that doesn't mean you're even with society, that's not how the law works at all. If you robbed a bank and a cop shot you, would you be less culpable because of your injuries? No. It's expensive but that's how the system works.

P.S. Do you know how bad of a crash it takes for the intoxicated driver to get hurt? I mean, I've read about cases where they plough into walls, roll their car or smash head on with vans full of kids going like 160KM/H and walk away relatively unscathed so, it must have been bad. I mean I could be wrong but usually the drunk drivers aren't hurt in their accidents.
I know right??? I went through a lot of physical pain because of what I did, and I deserved it, I did it to myself. But I've also been mentally exhausted, replaying the scene over and over again in my head; and I understand that what I did was morally wrong. So why give me 200 fucking hours and all these extra fees. Greedy bastards.

Yeah I think they were a little harsh for your first offense.

There are people here who have like 10 -15 D.U.I. s and have never even gone to jail.