The return of the "How are you today?" thread

I succeeded in every subject but maths :Smug: need to do it again in 2 months...Anyway... I got a one in music (subject one and two), i got a B in religion and in English and so I'm happy

You'll survive ! believe me !! I don't know what they expect making that kind of schedule... But you'll be able to stay focus don't worry. After that you'll be a piece of s***. but that's fine :p.

Good luck.

thx :)
Wow, everybody have all these tests going on. Makes me wonder if I can manage or if I even know how to be a student again. I'll kinda have to, though:erk:

Anyway, it's Wednesday, which means the week is halfway through, so yay! I have a barbecue to go to on Saturday, which I am really looking forward to. Apparently we'll have barbecued cow head...
So just as I'm looking to go to sleep, I heard from one of the stagehands at the venue I used to work at.

Apparently last week "union guys" dropped a 75ft, 2000lb lighting truss(huge metal rack holding light cans in the ceiling) on the lighting guy. His foot was nearly severed and he lost it. Won't be out of the hospital for months, is suing everyone possible. No one is doing well and a majority of the workers including management witnessed it. I'm glad I wasn't fucking there.

...and those guys wondered why I, "Shannon, the almighty rock star intern", refused to touch ANYTHING on that stage unless it was playing or handing off an instrument during the show. Risk of injury is TOO fucking high in that job.
Not good at all today so far... I woke up with a bad stomach ache, I ate something because I figured maybe I was hungry, I felt even worse after eating so I made myself puke (good ol' finger-down-throat technique :erk:). Decided to lay down and watch some T.V and puked 2 more times and my body aches like crazy and I got the chills. :(

The girls of playin' bingo
and the guys are gettin' stinko!
We think no more of Inco,
on a Sudbury saturday niiiiigghhhtt!!!

*shoots self*
Horrible. This system is so fucked up.
I had to go to court yesterday and sign up for community service and alcohol school. Both had fees. In order for me to do service to the community they want me to pay them $95 in addition to my fuckin volunteer work. I mean wtf? I have to give free service and then pay you assholes on top of that so you let me do the free work? What kind of logic is that?
So after I sign up for that, I had to sign up for the alcohol school, and just for signing up, I had shell out another $100. And get this-- when I go to register for the class tomorrow it will be another $520. What the fuck is wrong with these people? I mean yeah, I get it, I fucked up and now I have to pay the price. But I'm a fuckin student for crying out loud! All this is coming out of my savings. And there are more fees to come. I think this whole ordeal will cost me around 2 grand. And this doesn't include the $1643 court fees I still have to pay just for getting a fuckin DUI.

kids, if you live in America, NEVER drink and drive. It's not worth the risk.