The return of the "How are you today?" thread

When you let it. You're in control of your life, and how things affect you. You're not powerless. If he had a point, be more aware of your behaviour, grow up and act accordingly.

P.S. Stop ripping out your hair, that IS fucking stupid AND IMMATURE. It's like something I'd see from some stereotypical neurotic goth girl in a bad movie.

I do like to have fun and act a bit weird, but there are times where I know that isn't appropriate and I act accordingly. I might be doing that a bit too much, so I think that's what he was getting at. I do let things affect me too much. I take things to heart often, which is my biggest problem. I know I shouldn't do that and I need to stop it.

Yanking my hair when I'm upset has been a habit since childhood, but lately, I've been doing really well with leaving my hair alone and finding some other type of anger or stress management. It's a terrible habit that I'm glad I'm beginning to break.
I'm finally feeling better after getting extremely sick the night of my birthday. There was chocolate cake, I never got to eat any...
Today its blowing a gale outside so were all stuck inside. Have spent the last hour laughing at my cousin who is playing devil may cry 2 again.... she's swearing at the game, i lost count how many times shes called the thing a cunt.
And on the subjects of cakes, its a general rule, when it comes to my birthday, i get my own cake or 2 and everyone else shares another.
i'm feelin pretty good, my side band, antichristian fuckfest (the only slam black metal band in the world), just re-recorded one of our songs and i did some backing vocals on it
^ yeah we had the temps in the 100s like all of last week and the week before. But now it's staying in the high 90s...I guess the heat must've moved up north.