The return of the "How are you today?" thread

^Unless it's surgery or something equally complex that is bullshit.

And radio is nothing that a 76 should be a fail, you sit on your fat ass in a studio shooting your mouth all day. Forced banter and shitty jokes are the building blocks of your career.
^Unless it's surgery or something equally complex that is bullshit.

And radio is nothing that a 76 should be a fail, you sit on your fat ass in a studio shooting your mouth all day. Forced banter and shitty jokes are the building blocks of your career.

You make it sound like its easy which i bet it is not. I would feel kinda awkward talking to myself and have everyone hear it:lol:
^FOr some, no it's not easy... I could do it though, I just have NO interest in playing songs for other people all day, especially when their tastes are much different than mine and I could never truly pick the music.
Exactly, its not easy talking to yourself because you come to realize you sound like a giant jerk. Unlike other radio stations however, I get to pick all the music myself. This is not the case for most radio stations where your playlist is already made by the music department. It is up to me as to whether or not I want to play listener requests or not. Sometimes I do when I want to and other times I don't. Anything below an 80 is considered a failing mark for the DJ evaluations.

Anyway, now I'm just grumpy about other things.
Argh I'm so fucking pissed at everything right now!! I have this glass on my table and for 45 minutes I've just wanted to take it and throw it to the wall as hard as I can...!!! The comp is fucking failing me all the time, the internet is so fucking slow I can go take a shit in the time it takes to download a page, I can't find proper tabs to play from, the guitar won't do as I say it to do, I can't find a good tone to play in everything sounds like shit, Iä'm really fucking hungry but I have no food, I could go on forever and ever with this...!!! Fucing typos I'm too pissed to fix the motherfuckers!!!
Well, let's see...

Last night at about 3:30 AM, my stomach began hurting immensely, so I got up and stumbled my way in the dark over to the bathroom. I sat on the toilet, hoping to **** my worries away, but suddenly I started to feel really light-headed. I hung my head low near my knees in hopes of combating this unwanted sensation, and the next thing I remember is me coming to consciousness on the floor of my bathroom with my boxers down while experiencing a bloody nose.

I could barely stand at first, and after managing to pull myself together I walked down the stairs and poured myself a bowl of cinnamon toast crunch, thinking maybe that my stomach was hurting so bad due to extreme hunger (sometimes I can't tell if I'm in pain due to being really hungry or really full). I started to eat a bit, but realized I wasn't really that hungry. In hopes of not making things any worse, I proceeded to lie down on the cool leather couch in the den. I slept for a bit, tossing and turning as my stomach was still uneasy.

Eventually I felt well enough to return to bed. I put the cereal back in the pantry, the milk back in the fridge, and went upstairs without bothering to put my unfinished bowl of cereal in the sink. I turned off the lights, made sure the fan was on full blast, and climbed back into bed.

So basically, my day started off like total shit. It's much better now though.
^ Ouch man, shame about everyone else with their problems too. I get my GCSE results tommorow.. great -completley underperformed in the exams and the grades are going to show it. Will not make the same mistake with my As/A levels.
Well, let's see...

Last night at about 3:30 AM, my stomach began hurting immensely, so I got up and stumbled my way in the dark over to the bathroom. I sat on the toilet, hoping to **** my worries away, but suddenly I started to feel really light-headed. I hung my head low near my knees in hopes of combating this unwanted sensation, and the next thing I remember was I got in one little fight and my mom got scared and said, "You're movin' with your auntie and uncle in Bel-Air." I whistled for a cab and when it came near the license plate said fresh and it had dice in the mirror if anything I could say that this cab was rare but I thought, "Nah, forget it. Yo Homes.. To Bel-Air!

I could barely stand at first, and after managing to pull myself together I walked down the stairs and poured myself a bowl of cinnamon toast crunch, thinking maybe that my stomach was hurting so bad due to extreme hunger (sometimes I can't tell if I'm in pain due to being really hungry or really full). I started to eat a bit, but realized I wasn't really that hungry. In hopes of not making things any worse, I proceeded to lie down on the cool leather couch in the den. I slept for a bit, tossing and turning as my stomach was still uneasy.

Eventually I felt well enough to return to bed. I put the cereal back in the pantry, the milk back in the fridge, and went upstairs without bothering to put my unfinished bowl of cereal in the sink. I turned off the lights, made sure the fan was on full blast, and climbed back into bed.

So basically, my day started off like total shit. It's much better now though.

Great story! :lol:
^Yeah, he's actually a pretty good writer. :p

As for me, I am sitting here mixing my sake with things I shouldn't be mixing it with. I've been a zombie for the past couple of days. I am a horrible person. YEAH!! :worship:

Getting over my own stupidity and incredibly hot men with mohawks is an impossible task. Whooo!!!
^ I'm interested in what happened too ;|

not that I'm nosey or anything ....