The return of the "How are you today?" thread

"Hey Ryan, can you work Wednesday?"
"Awww but I was going to Toshley's station to pick up power converters!"
"yeah...yeah I can work."

More people need to watch more Star Wars, more often.
"Hey Ryan, can you work Wednesday?"
"Awww but I was going to Toshley's station to pick up power converters!"
"yeah...yeah I can work."

More people need to watch more Star Wars, more often.

Hey, I went and saw the goddamn Clone Wars cartoon in the theatres the first day it came out, I am no included in your comment :lol:
"Hey Ryan, can you work Wednesday?"
"Awww but I was going to Toshley's station to pick up power converters!"
"yeah...yeah I can work."

More people need to watch more Star Wars, more often.


Toshley's Station is a gnome controlled WoW location :s
I'm kinda bored but it's ok. I just don't understand why are some people a bit shocked by my new hair color, but others tell me it's good. Well whatever, it's only semi-permanent...
I failed my DJ evaluation with a 76/100 because I'm "too easily distracted". I admit I'm distracted, but I also have no intents on doing this as a profession, I do it for fun. College radio is filled with such bull**** politics.
I'm rather anxious because I get my wisdom teeth out tomorrow. But otherwise I'm good.
Enjoy your dry socket. :erk:

I failed my DJ evaluation with a 76/100 because I'm "too easily distracted". I admit I'm distracted, but I also have no intents on doing this as a profession, I do it for fun. College radio is filled with such bull**** politics.

How is 76/100 a failing mark?
Blahh..People were mad at me yesterday because I wasn't quite happy about the person they hung out with due to her actions and stuff. Ehh.