The return of the "How are you today?" thread

This morning woke up, went for a ride with my cuz, i was on my usual horse she rode her new horse Shorty.. then we gave hem a bath. Got home and had to try get my bird to come inside cause he was in the outside cage. Tried all his favorite toys but in the end a choc chip cookie got him in. In pain cause he bit me, annoyed cause he just shat on my shirt.
Protip: Smoke a bowl.

How am I? I'm drunk, alone, it's 1:47 ante meridiem, and I'm aimlessly wandering around the internet (per usual.)

I think it's time for bed.

or maybe it's just time to stop drinkig by your self. I'm drunk too, but at least when i GOT drunk, there were ppl around me. fuck yah for bpong ad flip cup!!!! it's so much fun, you just don't wanna stp.
Vike's never made me grumpy, actually. Just made me kinda groggy, but insanely happy... and yeah, smarter :lol: Definitely felt like I had a clearer view of things while on it. Wish I had a stress fracture and was in excruciating pain everyday!

But seriously, don't take it. Next thing you know, you'll be taking it recreationally, will start experimenting with other stuff and THEN you and your mom will be completely tore apart because she'll be pissed she has to send you to rehab for a heroin addiction. Take 1000mg of Ibuprofen if you're in pain, but don't get close to any Hydrocodone.
I think you went a bit too far. Or that was a real story? Cris... there's something you wanna tell us? :lol:
I'm.... uhhh.... a bit drunk, yeah.

I can't wait for tomorrow though; a friend of mine I haven't seen since June, is visiting for a day. So I'm skipping all my classes and junk tomorrow.
I'm not good today. I got sick. I have some weird pain in my lower right side and I definitely :puke:
I hope I'm better tomorrow otherwise I can't go to work. I can barely walk right now. :ill::zombie:
Right now, I really dont know what to think because of this. Or yes, I do. Why again? Not even a year from the last shooting in Jokela. And this time its pretty close to the town I live...
^ Hmm... poor you. I think I would be very afraid if it happened somewhere close to my town. :/

Anyway, today I'm pretty good I think... But school stresses me a bit, because I'll have an english test on friday and at the weekend there's a funfair where I want to go...but on monday I'll have a maths test and I really didn't understand anything of that shit. So well, I'll have to find a way to do both... maybe I could just study on sunday, I hope that will be enough. :/