The return of the "How are you today?" thread

tired as fuck.

I went out last night and got drunk but i woke up at 7 and couldnt get back to sleep so I just made myself eggs, homefries and toast and now im checking the vitals and im about to go back to bed not like you care but i felt like informing no one anyhow this is the end of my run-on sentence thank you for reading

Also tired as fuck. I got up at 7, got ready, walked to the Post Office, walked to Rite-Aid, and then walked back to campus. All told, about a 4 mile walk. And I'm just now eating breakfast. Oh yeah, and my day hasn't even really started yet - I also have work, class, more work, another class, and a meeting, so I won't be done until probably 10 tonight. Methinks I need to sleep moar.
I want bed.

IN an effort to become more of a go-getter, I've decided to start waking up every morning at 8am, even if I have nothing to do all day.
So far, it blows.
IN an effort to become more of a go-getter, I've decided to start waking up every morning at 8am, even if I have nothing to do all day.
So far, it blows.


As for me... well, I am having a MAJOR FASHION CRISIS!!! HELP!!! :yell:

...and I am fucking exhausted. I now have these big ol' dark circles under my eyes, zero energy and a developing drinking habit. Life is complicated sometimes, I'll tell you that.
5 hours -_- That's like me living here in New york and driving to Washington DC to go to school. Whatsa matta which u guys in Europe?
i want to play eternal championnns....

I'm in a good mood. hyper tbh.

HOLLY HELL! That game is so fucking awesome. I got it last week with a pack of emulators/roms from a torrent and can't stop playing it, this and Last Blade II on Neo Geo. Tho now I suck pretty much and I forgot every moves...

My favorite characters are Xavier and Larcen Tyler :D