The return of the "How are you today?" thread

^ If you're planning on buying a digital camera to use for serious photography, go for a Digital SLR (Single Lense Reflex) camera, you can get older models in the Canon EOS range quite cheaply now. The latest models are obviously the best ones, but I use a Canon EOS 300D, which is one of the older models, and it's fucking awesome.

Nikon do some good digital SLR's, but it's widely considered that Canon are the leaders in that market.
^ If you're planning on buying a digital camera to use for serious photography, go for a Digital SLR (Single Lense Reflex) camera, you can get older models in the Canon EOS range quite cheaply now. The latest models are obviously the best ones, but I use a Canon EOS 300D, which is one of the older models, and it's fucking awesome.

Nikon do some good digital SLR's, but it's widely considered that Canon are the leaders in that market.

Well, I really have no idea of cameras...:p But I want to take pictures of really close things, like flowers or faces or anything. And I want those pictures to be really really really sharp, so that you can see every little detail. :) And I also want a camera that can take pictures with good quality, even when it's dark or almost dark. When the moon is shining on a tree for example...I want that you can still see the tree then. The camera that I have now just takes a black picture then and you really don't see anything...or it's just really blurry then. Or when it's foggy and I take a picture of something, then you can't see that "something" then... :/
So I hope that a camera like that exists, that doesn't cost 2000€. :rolleyes:
Well then everything I said is pretty much what you're looking for. I'd recommend the Canon EOS 450D

It is a *little* pricey I guess. But in terms of high quality camera's, that's cheap.

Ohh thank god, it's only 450! I expected 1000€ now or something. :lol:

Oh fuck wait, it's that english money thingy... hm, wait. *googles english money thingies into euros* ... HOLY SHIT! O_O 575,77 €! ...oh god no, I'm not rich!! :erk:
I'll just ask someone from that camera store if he can recommend me something good, but cheap. :rolleyes:
Pfft, get Frank to buy it for you, he's pretty much your slave now anyway.'re right. :D

No, you...

Whahahahha!! ...:lol:!
If you two have so much time to message each other on here all day, why aren't you two hanging out and mashing the meat?

I think you mean Knarfi and me?
Well, I don't know what "mashing the meat" means, but I understood the first part of what you said aaaand it's not possible to meet so often. We have to pay 16€ each way with train, so we can only meet every third week... Believe me, if I had the chance to meet him more often, then I'd do it. :p