The return of the "How are you today?" thread


hung over, feeling ridiculously guilty, and my phone is gone. I lost it at some point last night....hopefully that doesn't come back to bite me in the ass :erk:

either way, now I need to go buy myself a new one with the money I don't have. Karma's a bitch.
I'm ... confuzzled.
one of my friend on myspace has like Katy Perry, and Muse, Leona Lewis, Basshunter, Rihanna, Nelly Furtado and stuff and BANG in the middle of allthat crap is "Children Of Bodom"
double-u tee eff.

fair enough if she does like them buut... :S
this yoghurt i turned into froghurt really ain't all that...
i've been here an hour trying to eat it... i wish it was just plain yoghurt again :cry:

on the bright side: today was day of the customer, so i received a free fold-up-comb-mirror-in-one when i bought a purple feathered diadem
and tomorrow's cop-day
^Frog... hurt...

I feel like to get you banned... oddly enough I have dead frog porn, goddamn Japanese.... chewing and spitting dead frog guts on eachother and fucking while covered in bloody frog gore.... frog leg in the pussy was lulz though.
I feel like to get you banned... oddly enough I have dead frog porn, goddamn Japanese.... chewing and spitting dead frog guts on eachother and fucking while covered in bloody frog gore.... frog leg in the pussy was lulz though.

Makes me wonder how you come across that kind of stuff :err: It isn't like there is a "Dead Frog" category, right next to the Ebony category or whatever category would follow the letter D :lol: