The return of the "How are you today?" thread

So...tired. I sleep too much. I go to bed at 11 - 11:30 pm, wake up at 7:00 am. Go to school, come home around 3, and sleep for another few hours. Wake up, be up for a while, then start the process all over again. Exept for weekends. I just sleep in, and take little naps throughout the day. I'm simply boring. Oh yeah, I'M EATTING PIZZA! I'm a hippopotamus and I got noodles on my back, noodles on my, noodles on my back.
I just woke up.. at 11:00.. gotta go job hunting some more today, then roll up to lydias wendy house with greg and smoke some jamal... then hmm.. i dunno, yesterday i found the coolest lucky strike packet ever, it unfolds! and has facts!!