The return of the "How are you today?" thread

That's shitting horrible - goodluck though.

Today i be all sexed up...g/f's are awesome....i urge all the serial masturbators on here to go and find one.
Working all day...shit loads of work. Giving a talk tonight in Edinburgh, so gotta travel over there.

Sneaking coffee and some internet time between doing work.
Yesterday I had to move some furniture to my friends' new flat so I'm feeling stiff now but it's ok.

EDIT: The police just called me to come up before the cops.. interrogation because of a fight that happend 2months ago.
Excessivley drunk, ate some ramen for lunch earlier and rhen some sushi for dinner....drunk as fuck from sake again.....regard or disragard this post....eieher way have a good night good people of the Cob community (you know who you are)
Today I start college at 11.. finnish at 4:15 then I stay in town, get some dinner and ciggs and go off to night.shift in which i get a dj slot with my mate tiggy... get drunk go home sleep.