The return of the "How are you today?" thread

I feel awesome... my parents, my sister and my brother are going on a ski trip for 2 days so I'll be home alone

...with my boyfriend :)

They're kinda naive to believe I will really stay alone...
They're kinda naive to believe I will really stay alone...

You're kinda naive to believe you're parents are THAT stupid.
Boyfreind or not, what teen DOESN'T have someone over when their parents are away?

New job, steady work again, w00t.
Winter is fucking off, w00t!
I slept way too much yesterday, so physically I feel like crap today :(

But at least I'm in a pretty good mood and have a lot of coffee.
I feel pretty bad... I got invited to go to a swimming dealy, and the friend who invited me in the first place couldn't even show up (well, she did, but only to say hi and then left again). :/

I dunno. It just feels awkward being invited to something and them not being able to show up. :lol: