The return of the "How are you today?" thread

probably. I also found a picture of a naked man's butt on it, that I didn't take. At least I hope I didn't take it
Yesterday night I drank a Colt 45 in 30 minutes, followed by wine and rum and some mystery colorful slushy alcoholic beverage that was given to me. Around 3 hours later I'm so shithammered that I don't remember anything beyond that point. I woke up today to find my pants in the entryway, and my shirt in a grocery bag, both covered in vomit. I have the biggest headache I've had in years, and have been drinking water almost nonstop because I'm so dehydrated from probably having peed a monstrous amount of pee. According to my roommate, for the cab ride back home I had no shirt on. Now I'm about to go enjoy a wonderful sunday dinner at my aunty and uncles, unfortunately not in Bel-Air. What a successful weekend.