The return of the "How are you today?" thread

Yesterday night I drank a Colt 45 in 30 minutes, followed by wine and rum and some mystery colorful slushy alcoholic beverage that was given to me. Around 3 hours later I'm so shithammered that I don't remember anything beyond that point. I woke up today to find my pants in the entryway, and my shirt in a grocery bag, both covered in vomit. I have the biggest headache I've had in years, and have been drinking water almost nonstop because I'm so dehydrated from probably having peed a monstrous amount of pee. According to my roommate, for the cab ride back home I had no shirt on. Now I'm about to go enjoy a wonderful sunday dinner at my aunty and uncles, unfortunately not in Bel-Air. What a successful weekend.

"I am the liquor..."

Was the slushy in a Capri-sun pouch, possibly Pina-colada? Shitsux :P
It might have been. I've never had one before but I can imagine that's how pina colada would taste like, based on its name. All I know is that it was fucking strong. I hate when something is mixed so that you barely taste the alcohol. I hate that fact in the same way I hate it when people say something will take "a few moments". A moment is a variable, so you could have one moment that is larger than a few moments combined, why can't people realize this? It's fucking common sense. Even worse is when they say "A few short moments", like it fucking helps.
Speaking of liquor... I think I may have found a new favorite rum, lads and lasses.

Fucking Sailor Jerrys spiced rum. :kickass:
Hell yes on the Sailor Jerry, I think I mentioned it a while back as my rum of choice.

I think it's even stronger than most other rum, at 90 proof or something.

Tastes great.
Yesterday night I drank a Colt 45 in 30 minutes, followed by wine and rum and some mystery colorful slushy alcoholic beverage that was given to me. Around 3 hours later I'm so shithammered that I don't remember anything beyond that point. I woke up today to find my pants in the entryway, and my shirt in a grocery bag, both covered in vomit. I have the biggest headache I've had in years, and have been drinking water almost nonstop because I'm so dehydrated from probably having peed a monstrous amount of pee. According to my roommate, for the cab ride back home I had no shirt on. Now I'm about to go enjoy a wonderful sunday dinner at my aunty and uncles, unfortunately not in Bel-Air. What a successful weekend.

Sounds exactly like the time last summer when i woke up naked with my clothes spread across the room/entryway with a huge headache not remembering much of what happened :lol:
Or the time I woke up on Christmas day with me and my room covered in vomit. Had to shower and clean that fucking shit up. :lol:

Not the greatest feeling, opening presents with the folks, while hung over. :lol:
Ordering this.


EDIT: Oh, shit. Haha, oh well. Still funny.
Been hectic.
Started new job (grocery store lackey), and realized hibernating in my ghetto hovel all winter has turned me into a pussy. Tired as shit just from standing for 6 hours, and cutting pineapple all day. Ten months ago I was loading 400+lbs Vynal rolls into waist-high pedovans all day : /
At least you're less likely to fuck up your wrist/hand/shoulder or something that would debilitate playing music.
I'm glad I made it out of my catering exam alive. :)
I fucked it up, but apparently got a good mark. *shrug*
Over & Done with. Been dreading it for weeks.
But I feel generally happy.