The return of the "How are you today?" thread

Wacken? o_O...Bei den Bands...:erk:

Wir sind eine Gruppe von 5 und die Tickets sind schon lang gekauft. Außerdem kommt's dabei nicht wirklich auf die Bands an, wobei ich sagen muss, dass doch einige dabei sind die ich mir gern anschauen werde: Nevermore, In Flames, Machine Head, Motörhead... Also is das gut. :)
I'm great :)

I started off in a shitty mood, feeling unconfident and stuff, but I cheered up throughout the day.
I get to do the main spotlight in my school talent show. Made my arm ache, but it was fun.
We had like headset & microphones on them. It was funny. We got the giggles
& my new Mp3 came today :)
So I feel a hell of alot better.
Necrö;8131348 said:
Wir sind eine Gruppe von 5 und die Tickets sind schon lang gekauft. Außerdem kommt's dabei nicht wirklich auf die Bands an, wobei ich sagen muss, dass doch einige dabei sind die ich mir gern anschauen werde: Nevermore, In Flames, Machine Head, Motörhead... Also is das gut. :)

Falls ich mein Ticket doch nicht verkaufe, müssma uns unbedingt treffen. :)
Prehistorically old news. Don't you work for a Christian Music Station?
You'd think members of the media would be on top of this shit.

The station isn't Christian. I just do a Christian metal specialty show. It doesn't feature Creed because they suck royal ass. And I really don't care about it at all.

On-topic: I'm tired and apathetic about my homework.
I'm a bit sluggish today. I have five papers I have to have completed by April 24th, or I get in major trouble.

I have zero desire to do them, even though two have already been started.
I just want this March Break to be over tbh, it's been fucking shit ever since Tuesday. Yesterday was really the only respite I had from it. :lol: