The return of the "How are you today?" thread

It's been a good day for me.

Highlight of my day was getting two syrian hamsters, both of which are definitely not quiet. I took a nap for a couple of hours and every few minutes, I would get woken up by the wheel on their cage. They're DEFINITELY entertaining, I will say that much. :lol:
I have discovered and started to like Suidakra ever since the Pagan knights tour yesterday. Too bad I only went through one song by Tyr though. One of the local bands apparently went beyond their performance time and didn't leave enough for the rest of the bands. Alestorm was really fun though. I met Suidakra before the show without knowing that they were Suidakra in the first place. Pretty damn funny and nice they are :>
Math went better than I expected. Still gonna get a crappy grade though :lol:
Just probably above my usual grades...

In other news, I'M SO FUCKING BORED. I can't believe it. Nobody wants to do ANYTHING this weekend.
And even worse, I'm done a day earlier with my exams than most of the others, so that's another night I DON'T GET TO PARTY :lol:
Emo Twilight fans :erk:

That reminds me of that South Park episode where all the preppy kids start dressing scene and acting like they're vampires just because of the Twilight popularity, and everyone else starts confusing them with the goth kids who get really pissed off and burn down Hot Topic to end the trend.
I was starting to think shitty days where all just what you see in it cuase I never really ever have "bad days" ..but DAM, it was just a blood boiling stressfull day man!!!! I got blamed for everything at work today so i had to hear shit from everyone, felt sick and runny all day, bad lunch that made me feel worse, dinner reservations were cancled (i thought that would save my day) and its storming like a mother outside. Tomorrow please be better!
I feel like shit. Just came back from a gig and it was the worst imaginable gig you can play. It was in a tent where the temperature was approximitaly 5 degrees celcius so our hands were freezing cold, plus the sound was shit and I couldn't hear myself. Now I'm off to bed, cya!
I feel much better. The doctor's visit wasn't as bad as I had originally anticipated.

The medicine did knock me out for a good four hours, but I can tell it's definitely starting to work.
Necrö;8152804 said:
In other news, I'M SO FUCKING BORED. I can't believe it. Nobody wants to do ANYTHING this weekend.
And even worse, I'm done a day earlier with my exams than most of the others, so that's another night I DON'T GET TO PARTY :lol:

I even forgot its the weekend :/
Went to alestorm show monday, then had off work untill thursday and I work all weekend. Time fuck.

Bored after Math?
Do some Meth!

That reminds me of that South Park episode where all the preppy kids start dressing scene and acting like they're vampires just because of the Twilight popularity, and everyone else starts confusing them with the goth kids who get really pissed off and burn down Hot Topic to end the trend.

The Vamp kids.
I like the song at the end:

"Burn down burn down burn down hot tooopic.
Dont let it take your soul!"
Necrö;8152804 said:
Math went better than I expected. Still gonna get a crappy grade though :lol:
Just probably above my usual grades...

In other news, I'M SO FUCKING BORED. I can't believe it. Nobody wants to do ANYTHING this weekend.
And even worse, I'm done a day earlier with my exams than most of the others, so that's another night I DON'T GET TO PARTY :lol:

abi abi abi, those were the days:D